Six Feet Under The Stars

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(Outfit in the thingy mabboity you know the thing)
Y/N's P.O.V

I had stormed to the treehouse, giving into the quirky vampires antics. It was not then until I realized it was night. I had really spent the whole day with Marshall? I guess I had. I opened the door and was greeted by the smell of a fresh dinner. I sat, having a plate placed in front of me. "Hello babycakes! Dinner was just made, Eat up!" Cake said. I smiled at her and nodded, starting to eat. "How was your day?" Fiona asked me. I looked up and shrugged. "I met a boy" I said, having now everyone listen. Cake threw down her magazine and ran over. "You met a boy?! Oooo hunny, You better tell me everything!" She said. I sighed "You guys know him, Marshall Lee" I said. "Oh" Cake said, her face softening. "Well, Beware of that vampire" She said simply. I tilted my head "What?" I asked confused. "He's just a little cheeky ya know?" Fiona replied, getting up and washing her dish "Well Y/N, Me and Cake are gonna head off to bed! Night!" She said and ruffled my hair before heading to their bedroom. I nodded and finished my dish as well. I sighed and went to my room, changing into my pajamas. I then realized I wasn't really sleepy. I shrugged and went to sit on the roof. I laid down, looking up at the stars. I was very dazed, rudely disturbed by someone blocking my view. Who else could it have been but the infamous Vampire King. "Get out the way!" I whined, sitting up. He simply chuckled at me and sat next to me. "I saw you on the roof, And you looked a little lonely" He said, looking at the stars as well. "I was just looking up at the stars" I said softly, looking up at well. "Its very relaxing" He said, laying down. I couldn't help but join him. His reached around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. My breath hitched but I soon was relaxed again. I laid, looking up at the stars, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
Marshall Lee's P.O.V
I watched as her eyes slowly shut close. I smiled to myself. Maybe I've finally found my world.

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