I Know You

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Y/N's P.O.V

The day went on, Marshall Lee, Cake, Fiona, Noah, and I all got to know each other as we sat in the dining room. We sat and talked there until night came upon us. Though Noah told us everything about himself I still felt like he was hiding something. Maybe that was just my paranoia, but he just seemed so damn familiar, I feel like I've known him for years. I shook off these thoughts as someone tapped on my shoulder. I winced and looked up to find that stupid smug smile of the vampire that I accidentally fell in love with. "You day dreaming about me again?" Marshall Lee flirted, winking at me. I smacked his hand off of my shoulder "Back off you freak" I said, letting a giggle out. "Want to come back to my place to sleep? You know, we don't even have to sleep really, I'm always down for a little fun-" Marshall Lee started to say but I cut him off by flicking his nose. "Actually no, I think I want to sleep in my own bed today" I said, smiling up at him angelically. He frowned, opening his mouth to let a whiny sentence come out but before he could Fiona and Cake both pushed him out the door "See ya later lover boy!" Cake said as she shut the door, smiling proudly. I giggled "Thanks guys! I'm going to go catch some sleep now" I shouted over to Cake and Fiona, them nodding back at me. "Oh Y/N honey, Could you be a doll and show Noah his room?" Cake asked, which I nodded in agreement to. "Come on!" I said to Noah, showing him to his room. Noah walked inside and smiled at me "Could you please tell Cake and Fiona thanks for letting me stay here?" He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded "Sure! Make sure to be up early, Cake makes breakfast, you don't want to miss out!" I smiled, waving him goodnight "Have a goodnight sleep!" I said, earning a genuine smile from him. "You too!" He said as he started to settle into his new room.

After doing my nightly routine I finally slumped into bed, yawning as I rubbed my eyes. I tossed and turned all around, trying to get myself comfortable. Finally, after about an hour my thoughts were all cleared for the night and I peacefully fell asleep.

*Dream (possible trigger warning, school shooting/mass shooting)*
I lied to him. I told him I loved him. I have to break things off right now. For a few months now I've been dating this guy, Avery, when I knew I didn't love him. What was I supposed to say to him? He said he couldn't live without me! I tried to break up with him 2 times but he just wouldn't let me go! I can't keep lying to him like this! Why won't he let me go, I'm not in love with him but he keeps convincing me
that I am! I'm not in love with him, and I never will be! After crying and throwing things around for about two hours I finally fell asleep, promising myself I'd never fall in love again. I woke up the next morning, knowing I had to go to school and tell Avery my feelings. I had to be straight with him, he's not going to trap me again! After getting ready I started walking towards school, heading into the gym for the morning announcements. Just as the principal started speaking it happened. A boom rang through everyone's ears and the principal lied shot on the floor. Everyone broke out into a panic, trying to run, trying to get away. The gunman starting shooting everyone down but not exactly killing them. I tried running away but then I saw the gunman aim his gun straight at a boy. He was in my grade, and he was my best friend that encouraged me to finally get away from Avery's abusive trap. I couldn't let him die like this. I deserved to die, I told Avery that I was in love with him but I'm not! And I never will be! I ran infront of Noah, feeling a sharp pain in my chest as I fall to the ground, feeling someone else fall as well. I blacked out, I couldn't see anything. After what felt like forever I could finally hear something. Somewhere. After straining all of my senses my ears finally picked up what was being said. "Local school mass shooting happened yesterday morning, 284 kids and adults injured and 2 dead. Donations have been set up for this unfortunate event, please donate anything if you can. This was your local news broadcast, more about this school shooting at 6"
Then that's when it happened. I was gone. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see anything. Everything was just, blank.
*End of Dream*

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