Training Wheels

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Y/N's P.O.V

A week had passed since that day, the days were gradually getting shorter and colder.

I sat on the windowsill, my tired eyes gazing on the changing colors. The once bright colors were turning dull, becoming softer, not so vibrant. A change of heart.

My eyes squinted at the sun which was threatening to fall into a sunset, I snapped out of my thought and went to find my clothes.

Since last week, I've decided to move into Marshall Lee's small home, it wasn't that drastic of a move though, since Fiona's and Cake's treehouse isn't that far away.

I slipped on clothes that made me think of the dull tones, and to suit the colder weather. My feet pitter pattered down the stairs, where my gaze met a certain vampires.

My blood rushed to my cheeks, tinting them pink as I saw how cute his outfit was. Marshall Lee in a beanie? Yes please. (What you really meant was 'bitch fuck me up'//SLAPPED)

"'I know I'm beautiful but I didn't think I was that beautiful!" Marshall Lee grinned as he snapped me out of my gaze.

I rolled my eyes "Shut up, I wasn't looking at you, I was looking outside!" I lied, innocently smiling at him.

"Wow, you suck at lying" He chuckled, flicking my forehead and sticking his tongue out. "Come on, I want to see how you look in front of an autumn sunset" Marshall Lee said, pulling me out the door.

I smiled "Stop it! You're too cute sometimes", I said, grumbling the last part.

Marshall Lee smirked at me, a twinkle in his eyes "I try, I try", he chuckled innocently. He held my hand as we wandered, an occasional crinkle of the dead leafs beneath our feet filling up the comfortable silence around us.

He stopped suddenly, causing me to almost trip over my own feet "Hey! What was that for-" I was cut off as I caught where his eyes were looking. The sun was slowly being surrounded by warm tones of orange, red, and the lightest of pinks. I looked behind us to see some of the sky still blue, but most being turned into an orange.

Marshall Lee smiled at me "Which one am I supposed to focus on? The beautiful girl next to me or the sunset" He flirted.

I smacked his arm "Obviously the sunset! You dork.." I said, trying to not bring attention to my tinted pink cheeks. He squeezed my hand as he started to walk again as I trailed behind.

We finally stopped as we reached another forest, this one with much less trees around, the sun filling in the empty gaps. I looked away from the sun, my eyes being captured my Marshall Lee's. My cheeks darkened again "W-Why are you staring? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, starting to brush my cheeks off with my hands.

Marshall Lee grabbed my hand, catching me off guard as I looked up at him wide eyed "No, there's nothing on your face. It's just, when the sun bounces off your hair, when your cheeks are dusted with red, your eyes covered in curiosity, and your lips, chapped and content, I feel all my worries slip away. I feel like there's nobody us but us here, and like you're the only thing that matters. I feel your presence surround me, and I just want to know more about your world, about what's on your mind, I want to hear all of your thoughts. I want to feel you" He said, his eyes looking dazed over with nothing but affection. He gripped my wrist a little tighter "I want you to tell me all your emotions, I want to listen to everything you have to say, I want you to open up to me. I hope you're comfortable with me and I hope you know that you can tell me everything, because Y/N, I-I.." Marshall Lee's words tumbled over each other. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, "I'm in love with you Y/N! You mean so much to me and I just want to protect you and understand you! Please let me in, please let me break down your walls" He whispered, clutching me into his chest.

I shivered, my heart beat picking up pace. Open up? Let him in? It felt like a million warning signals went off in my head, should I ignore them? I'm in love with Marshall Lee, but what if I'm not? What if I'll hurt him? It felt like an eternity as these thoughts swirled through my head, before I took a deep breath.

Letting go, letting go.

I slowly pulled away from him, I looked up at him. "Okay" I whispered, blinking back my tears.

Marshall Lee smiled brightly, cupping my cheeks and kissing me hard. My face brightened, he slowly pulled away "I promise, it'll be easy once you get used to it! I won't hurt you, I just want to be there for you, okay?" He said quietly, holding my hands. I nodded, smiling shyly.

We sat in the forest, Marshall Lee listening to every word that left my lips intently until the sun fell behind the sunset, letting the moon rise in its place. I told him everything, my interests, my fears, what hurt me, what made me feel secure, and the things that comforted me.

"Do you feel better about telling me things now?" Marshall Lee asked quietly. I nodded, looking away from him. Something was burning on the back of my throat, I wanted to tell him how I felt about him. But what if my feelings weren't true? What if I wasn't sincere? What would I do if I hurt him?

I started to pick up twigs and leafs, shifting them to make a word.


My hands trembled. They came to a stop when someone else's hands were around them. I looked up to see Marshall Lee, he was holding both of my hands still with one hand and the other hand was pressed against the small of my back. "Afraid of what? Please, it's okay, tell me anything" He said calmly. I looked into his eyes, he was being sincere to me. My emotions tangled with each other, fighting one another. Why can't I just tell him how I feel? Why is it so difficult? Why can't I just


I caught his eyes again and pushed him down onto the soft dirt, straddling him. I held his wrists down with my hands, and I looked back into his eyes.

"Marshall Lee, I'm in love with you. I've loved you since the first time I saw you. Every time I look into your eyes or I see your adorable smile, my heart is at ease, and my mind is at rest. I want to be honest with you, I want to tell you everything, I want to express my emotions to you! I want to destroy this barricade I've built that shut you out of my true feelings. I think about you all the time and it's time for me to be honest with my feelings. I love you so much Marshall Lee" I said breathlessly, my cheeks bright red as those cheesy, bright pink words danced from my mouth.

He smiled at me, that same stupid pointy teeth smile. The same smug eyes from when I first met him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest "I love you more, Y/N" Marshall Lee mumbled into the crook of my neck.

I smiled brightly, my cheeks hurting from how happy I was. I looked at how brightly the moon was peaking through the trees, and the few stars in the sky that peered down at us. "When I'm around you, I feel like I notice all of the beautiful things I've been overlooking. I feel like I'm really seeing things clearly and enjoying all of the small things. You've taught me to see and I've taught you how to tell" He whispered gently, as his hand intertwined with mine.

I nodded, smiling contently as I peered into his eyes, seeing waves of emotion in them. I knew he felt the same way I did, like our souls were connected, like this was meant to be. Like this is what love was, and this is what the wait was for.


don't be fooled, I'm preparing to make y'all cry in the next next chapter. I just wanted to give y'all a lot of lovey and nice stuff to prepare y'all for what's about to go down. this chapter isn't proofread so hopefully it isn't trash and yeah. I love you, thank you. peace my dudes ❤️


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