Still The Same

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Y/N's P.O.V

I got up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I snuggled in my blankets again and threw myself off the bed. "I fly" I mumbled sleepily.

I slowly crawled back on my bed and looked out the window and again jumped off my bed as I saw a figure in the window. "DEMON, POLTERGEIST, MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU" I yelled out, terrified for my life as I covered my eyes. I heard the window open and slid under my bed real stealthy like. "You got me fucked up man, ain't tryna die today" I muttered, hiding under my bed. A certain pile of glue poked his head under the bed, flashing me a pointy smile.

"And what the hell are you doing in my room?" I hissed viciously, slowly crawling out and sitting on my bed. "I want to take you out! So go get some clothes on and I'll be waiting for you downstairs" He said cheekily, throwing up a peace sign as he pitter pattered down stairs. I growled and slowly threw my blanket off, going in my closet to pick out a outfit. (In the link media thing idk)

After I picked out and outfit I slouched into the bathroom, looking at the clock, 5:28 A.M.?! Ohoho this frosty the snowman looking dude has got me fucked up.

"Dumb as hell, woke me up at the crack of fucking dawn to go wherever the hell, kawaii little stupid looking vampire boy that has really pretty eyes and a dumb cute smile..." I muttered viciously, trailing off as I stepped into the shower to quickly get ready and dressed.

I walked downstairs, crossing my arms as I saw him lying on the couch with a sly smirk on his face. "You ready doll face?" Marshall Lee flirted. I flicked his forehead, trying to hide the pink tint in my cheeks "Piss off, come on lets go" I grumbled, glaring daggers at him. "Well then, come on!" He said excitedly and gripped my wrist, running out the door with me.

"Chill out! You're legs are like the size of me, I can't run as fast as you!" I whined to him. He stopped so I could catch him, having a cheeky smirk on his face. "So mean" I muttered, turning away from him.

Before I knew it Marshall Lee had picked me up and thrown me over his back. My face went completely red "H-Hey put me down! Marshall Lee!" I said flustered, hitting his back. "You're baby hands aren't doing a thing to me" He snickered, holding me tighter. I growled "You're a real mean, bad boy you know that" I hissed at him.

He smirked and set me down in the middle of a dark forest. "Maybe, but you're still the good little girl you were when we first met" He said, his voice sounded like velvet now. I tilted my head at him and shook my head, starting to walk back home slowly. All of a sudden I heard music playing, I looked back at him and saw him playing a guitar. He started to sing a melody, nothing in particular. I listened slowly, walking back over to him as I listened. He noticed I came back and flew over to me "Don't you remember? This is where we first met, you were drawn to my sexy deep voice-" "S-shut up!" I stammered at him. I was flustered and blushing like mad because of how attractive his voice was, I slowly started to walk away from him. I was stopped in my tracks by him floating over to me "Don't you remember, good little girl?" He said, smirking at me.

I breathed in and as I did that another wave of memories flew inside my mind. I grabbed my head and kneed down onto the ground as they all settled into my mind, but they all of these memories were with one person in particular, Marshall Lee.

My heart beat sped up as I remembered everything about him and all the time we spent together. I shakily stood up and looked him in the eyes, my heart fluttering around. I pulled him down to me by his collar and cupped his cheeks, putting my lips onto his. He smirked into the kiss and bit my lip as he pulled away.

"I'll take that as a yes?"


Hello, the author here 👉😎👉. Sorry this chapter is short and the other one was short, I'm moving into a new house so I've been packing a lot and I've been trying to go out with my friends more! I'm sorry if the new chapter is delayed, we're moving in next week and I have to paint! And yea, I'll try and make the next chapter way long and such, things may get a lil saucy so :^)
Anyway, I love you if you read this and yeah! Have a wonderful day!

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