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Y/N's P.O.V

"Sleeping beauty?" A certain vampire whispered in my ear, poking at my cheeks and touching my hair.

I squinted my eyes, "Touch me again and I'll throw you into the trash" I hissed.

Marshall Lee put his hands up in defense "I'm just trying to wake you up so I can give you a special present, before anybody else wakes up" He whispered. I slowly sat up, throwing my arms around him as I wanted to go back to sleep.

I buried my head into the crook of his neck, "Merry Christmas" I yawned, wrapping my legs around his waist, essentially using him as a pillow.

He chuckled and picked me up, carrying me to the huge window sill, where I could see the sky was still fairly dark and white snow flakes slowly danced down onto the ground. He sat me down on the window sill as he sat down himself.

I looked up to him "What did you want to give me?" I asked quietly, leaning my head against the window.

His face tinted slightly pink as he dug in his pocket to reveal a small box. My heart beat sped up, an engagement ring?!

Marshall Lee must've seen the terror in my eyes as he waved his hand, "No I'm not proposing to you" He laughed. I sighed a breath of relief, I loved him and all but holy christ I wasn't ready to be married! He slipped the box into my cold hands, nodding at me to open it.

I smiled and opened the box, gasping at the dazzling ring that was inside. I slowly slipped the ring on, looking up at him "A promise ring?" I asked quietly.

He nodded, his smile beaming at me as he leaned over and kissed my forehead, "I love you so much, and I promise I'll stay with you forever" he mumbled against my hair.

My face flushed pink, I nodded quickly "I promise I'll stay with you forever too" I squeaked shyly.

Marshall Lee chuckled and cupped my cheeks, pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. I melted into it, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh, young love~" Cake purred from the door frame.

The pink on my cheeks turned into deep red from embarrassment, I pulled away and covered my face with my hands, trying to hide and die right then and there.

Marshall Lee grinned and pulled me into his chest "You look so cute when your embarrassed, you know that?" He flirted, flashing you a smirk.

I growled in protest, "Come on now, everyone's awake and ready to open up their presents!" Cake nagged at us, grabbing Marshall Lee by the ear as she dragged him away from me.

"Owowowowowowow!" Marshall Lee squeaked, trying to get away from Cake. I giggled loudly as I followed behind them, covering my mouth to muffle my laughs.

*time skip to after everyone's open their presents bc this my book I do what I want dang*

"Ah Y/N you didn't have to get me so much!" Marshall Lee said, admiring his gifts from me.

"Says you, the presents you got for me took up like half the tree!" I teased.

Marshall Lee frowned "You're just so cute and you'd look so cute in a lot of clothes!" He whined.

I smirked, "I'd look better without them on" I flirted, smiling deviously.

He nodded "Yea you probably wou-"

A smack from Noah came down onto his head "Y/N's too pure for that" Noah hiss protectively.

I glared at both of them, what freaks. I looked outside, seeing the ground was covered in white fluff. I turned to everyone "Outside?" I asked.

Before I knew it everyone was getting on their winter gear and racing outside. I leaned down and grabbed a handful of snow, packing it into a ball shape. I looked around and spotted my target, Marshall Lee.

I ducked behind a tree and flung the ball at him, it hit the middle of his back. His raven black hair flung around, trying to find the culprit.

I couldn't help the laughs that came pouring out of my mouth, causing me to fall into the snow and continue laughing loudly.

"My own babe! I can't believe I was betrayed like this!" Marshall Lee wailed as he collapsed on top of me.

This only made my laughs become louder "G-Get off of me, I'll die!" I gasped between laughs, trying to kick him off.

Marshall Lee got off and laid next to me, spreading out his arms and legs and waving them around, forming a snow angel. This led to everyone else makes one too.

We all got up, dusting off our clothes from the snow. As I was trying to wipe snow from my gloves, a cold ball hit my shoulder. My eye twitched as I turned, seeing Marshall Lee smirking. "This. Is. War." I said through gritted teeth, gathering up snow in my hand as I stared him down. Then, Gumball threw a snowball hit Marshall Lee's leg, and then Gumball got hit by Cake. This was then the beginning of World War 3.

After pounding each other with snowballs, we all headed inside to warm up. I sat by the heater, hogging it all to my self. I was scooted over by Fiona, which I didn't argue with. I leaned my head on her shoulder "Everything's so good and happy now" I mumbled, pushing my hair out of my face.

Fiona nodded, "It's refreshing" she whispered back, hugging her waist. We must've sat there for about an hour in comfortable silence before a voice interrupted us.

"I made dinner!" Cake called as the smell of soup filled the room.

All of us sat at the table, small talk going around as we ate. After everyone was done, I agreed to clean the dishes.

I was finishing up the last dish when two pale arms made their way around my waist. I blushed and looked up, seeing a dumb vampire "If you don't get your grubby hands-" I was stopped by those SAME GRUBBY HANDS COVERING MY MOUTH.

"It's Christmas babe! Can't you be a little nicer?" Marshall Lee whined.

I squinted my eyes at him "I'll be nice when we get home" I smirked, continuing to clean the last dish and dry it off.

I could basically here his face turn red, "W-Wait what?" He asked, stunned.

I smiled more, "You heard me, I'll be nice when we get home" I flirted, purposely shaking my hips as I walked to gather all my things together to go home. Marshall Lee was sprinting to get all of our stuff together, obviously eager to get home.

I finished buttoning my coat and hugged Cake, Fiona, Noah, and Gumball. "Thank you for inviting us over, Merry Christmas!" I chimed, flashing them a bright smile.

"Merry Christmas!" They all smiled back, waving to Marshall Lee and I as we left.

While we were walking I was suddenly swept off my feet and flown over to Marshall Lee's house, "What the hell Marshall Lee?" I said, annoyed.

"Nice time!" He yelled as he started putting everything away.

I smiled and giggled "Oh yes I forgot, I'll be waiting for you upstairs~" I purred as I slowly walked up the stairs. I could hear him banging around the house like a tornado, trying to put away all of our things so he could get upstairs.

Meanwhile, I wasn't going to be "nice" or do anything sexual with him. I slipped off my clothing and put on one of his shirts and some pajama pants, slipping into bed and resting my head on the cold pillowcase.

By the time he was done, I was sound asleep.
"Eh? Y/N?" Marshall Lee whispered, poking me. He frowned "Y-You said we'd do stuff!!" Marshall Lee whined as he tried to wake me up, but I was out cold. The rest of the night was filled with a whole lot of cries, but those cries only came from Marshall Lee.

(sorry this is out like way past Christmas, there was mystic messenger Christmas dlc!! did you expect me not to waste all of my free time on that?)

p.s. lemon for the new year? yay or nay, let a girl know

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