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(the song isn't important to the story, well it kinda is, just a lil, I just love marina and the diamonds okay)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly squinted my eyes opened, adjusting the to bright atmosphere. As my eyes got used to the light I looked around me, not knowing where I was. I looked around for anything, but all I saw were pink things, sort of like candy themed room. I looked down and saw that I was in a bed, looking to my arm and seeing I was hooked up to a monitor. These clues snapped in my mind and I finally realized I was in an emergency room of some sort.

I rubbed my eyes slowly, careful not to rip out whatever the fuck is hooked up to me. I glanced over to my side and saw a weird ass pale dude laying on the cutely decorated couch. He has some weird ass red dot tattoo on his neck too, he must be cool. I looked to the side of him and saw another dude. Are they a couple? I hope they are, that'd be cute.

After studying the two males on the left side I looked over to the right side, seeing a huge ass cat and a girl with long golden blonde hair. She cute as hell, look at the bunny ears that are on her lap. Honestly, have no clue what the fuck is going on and who the hell these people are but I decided to just sit and chill, waiting for someone to either come into the room and explain to me what happened or for me to wake up.

A few minutes passed and finally someone came into the room. It was a weird looking pink dude, he was kind of cute though. He waved at me "Hello Y/N, do you feel better?" I tilted my head. Who the fuck was Y/N. "Uh, is that my name? Are you referring to me?" I asked, confused. His eyes widened, was I ugly or something? The hell was up with this cotton candy looking dude. "Hello? Can you explain to me what the hell is happening and who all of these people are? Is this a prank?" I asked, sounding slightly irritated. He snapped back to reality as I said those words, having a worried face on his look now. "So you really don't know who these people are? Or who I am?" He asked. I nodded in response. He bit his lip in thought. "So you have amnesia..." He mumbled to himself. I thought about the word "Memory loss? I lost my memory?" I asked. He nodded but his face lightened up "Yes, you must have only forgotten some things, do you know your name, Y/N?" He asked. I bit my lip, Y/N clicking in my head. "Oh! Y/N M/N (middle name) L/N (last name)!" I said excitedly. "Yes! I'm Prince Gumball by the way, but you can just call me Gumball" He smiled. "So do you recognize anyone here yet?" Gumball asked. He looked around at everyone and realized everyone was asleep.

Gumball groaned and smacked everyone's head to wake them up, except for the blonde girls head, he kissed her cheek to wake her up. Dammit, he's seeing someone. Everyone whined after the rude awakening, adjusting to the light that was peaking through the windows now. The very pale boy looked up at me and gasped, cupping my face "Y/N! You're awake! I was so worried about you!" He yelled and started to lean in. "Woah woah get away from me pasty!" I shouted angrily, pushing him off of me. He sat glumly, pouting and pointing at me "She called me pasty!". I scoffed at him, who the fuck was that marshmallow talking to. Gumball rolled his eyes and hit the idiots head. "Everyone, chill for like a few minutes while I explain?" He asked. Everyone nodded in agreement, as I glared daggers at the pale boy. "Y/N has lost some of her memory. She doesn't remember who any of you are yet, so this can go to ways. Either she gradually gains her memory back or she just loses the memories forever. Now that everyone is awake, do you remember anyone?" He asked, looking at me again.

"Can I look at them better and hear their voices?" I asked shyly. He nodded and realized me gesturing to the thingy inside my arm. Gumball walked over to me and got a bandaid and a piece of cloth ready. He pressed on my arm with the cloth as he pulled the needle out quickly, causing me to wince slightly. He held the cloth over the little bleeding dot and put a bandage over it, cleaning the needle and walking over to throw it away or whatever. I got up and skipped past the pale boy, going over to the other guy. I sat next to him and stared into his eyes. I looked at his face and suddenly memories flooded my mind of him. "Noah....Noah Berry" I mumbled. I gasped and smiled, hugging him as my memory came back of him. "I remember you!" I smiled, pulling away gently. He nodded and ruffled my hair up, having a light blush on his face "Yes, correct" He chuckled. Gumball came back and smiled "Do you remember these two?" He asked, gesturing over to the girl and cat.

I examined them both carefully, biting my lip. The huge cat started crying lightly "Oh honey you forgot us didn't you" She whimpered, wiping her eyes, being comforted by the girl. The girl smiled at me "It's alright Y/N, we'll help you remember us!" She said charmingly. I nodded, feeling really guilty. They must be really close to me if they're upset I don't remember them. "Do you remember your boyfriend?" Gumball piped up. I whipped my head towards his direction "Boyfriend? I don't have one! I'll never get one!" I said kind of angrily, blushing in embarrassment. "I mean I don't want one.." I said softly, trailing off. When the memories of Noah came to me the memories of Avery came back as well, and what had happened. I knew I had died, but this must just be the after life, but still I have memories of life before here, and I plan to not make the same mistakes as before.

"Well Y/N, Marshall Lee is your boyfriend" Gumball said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tilted my head "Who's that?".

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

My heart felt like it slowly cracked, and I had a lump in my throat. She didn't remember me? I swallowed harshly and looked at Y/N. "T-That's me, I'm your boyfriend" I said, my voice cracking embarrassingly. She glanced at me and started to shake her head "Why the hell would I date that lump of glue with hair?". Ouch, that hurt.

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