A Night With The Vampire King

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Y/N's P.O.V
My face had instantly turned hot, I felt a shade of pink going across my face. I pulled away shyly from the kiss, looking up at him. He then flashed me that cheeky grin, the one I could never forget. "Hi Y/N~" Marshall Lee said teasingly. I glared my eyes at him and punched his arm, crossing my arms. "You enjoyed it, don't pretend like you didn't" He said. I growled under my breath "Take me home loser" I said jokingly, smiling at him. He shook his head "You're coming to my house" He said and with those 5 simple words he had already swooped me into his arms and flew me to his house. Marshall Lee opened the door and sat me on his couch "I'll got get food, or I could dine on yo-" He began but I cut him off as I saw where it was going "Get the hell outta here Marshall Lee" I giggled, blushing again as I looked down. He laughed to the kitchen and
came back into the living room with strawberries. I took one and bit into it, I then looked over at him, where as he was just sucking the color out of them. I smirked to myself and imitated him, earning a shove from him. I smiled but then my face lit up as he kissed my cheek. "So are we a thing now?" I asked shyly. He nodded at me "Of course" He said as he covered us with a white blanket. "Now come and cuddle with daddy" He said. I laughed and pushed him off the couch "I'm good" 

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