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Y/N's P.O.V

The nightmare kept replaying. I'd wake up in that same hospital bed, constantly and constantly. But the last time, it was new. A figure stood above me now. His hand reaching toward my face, "Y/N, please wake up! Please!"

I sat up, my heart beating out of my chest. "W-Who was that..." I mumbled breathlessly. I breathed in heavily, trying to make my heart stop beating so fast and loudly. I turned to see Marshall Lee still quietly sleeping. I glanced at the clock, 7 am.

I sighed, laying back down and trying to get comfortable again. 5 minutes passed, I kept tossing and turning, something was off and I knew it. I sat back up and got up from the bed, slipping on some socks and lacing some shoes onto me feet. Maybe a walk will make me tired again.

I pulled out a piece of paper, scribbling on it, 'If I'm not there when you wake up, don't worry, I'm just on a walk. Love, Y/N'. I put it on my pillow and then made my way downstairs, pulling a sweatshirt on myself and then heading outside. The cold air wrapped around me, causing me to shiver. My breath was turned into white as I breathed out, clouding into the air.

My legs started carrying me off, I'm not sure where but I was off. I kept walking and walking until I made it to Cake and Fiona's house. I crept in, not wanting to wake them.

That plan didn't work, well not how it was supposed to anyway. Cake was already up, sitting by the windowsill with a cup of coffee, probably with a little catnip in it for some extra kick. I waked over to her, sitting in the empty space next to her.

She looked over at me with hazy eyes, patting my head "Good morning sugar, what are you doing over here so early?" Cake yawned, giving me a genuine smile.

I smiled back, "I couldn't go back to sleep, so I took a walk and I ended up here" I slurred, the lack of sleep catching up to me as I rested my head on the wall.

Cake glanced around, "No Marshall Lee?" She hummed, getting up and going into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

I shook my head, following her, "No, he was asleep do I didn't want to wake him. I just left a note on my pillow" I said, slumping onto a chair and laying my head on my arms.

She nodded, getting out an assortment of dishes and food, "Well honey, since you're here, do you mind giving me a hand in making breakfast?" Cake asked.

I smiled and nodded, forcing myself up and springing to her side, "It'd be my pleasure!".

An hour or so passed, and breakfast was ready and neatly set on the table. Cake smiled and patted my back, "Thanks lovely, now do you mind waking up Fiona and Noah?" She asked.

I shook my head and gave her a thumbs up, "On it!". I raced up the stairs and then quietly creaked open Fiona's bedroom door. I smiled as she was peacefully asleep, her golden blonde hair flowing everywhere. I tiptoed over to her, rubbing her shoulder gently, "Fiona, Cake made breakfast" I whispered.

Fiona's eyes darted open as she sprung out of bed, tumbling down the stairs. I didn't even get a thank you? I laughed as I walked over to Noah's room, peeking my head in.

"Noah?" I called, no response. I smirked as an idea formed in my head, I pounded onto the bed, "Wake up!" I shouted. My face paled as there was no one on the bed. I tore off the covers, nobody. I bit my lip as I peeked under the bed, nothing. I got up and looked around more, peeking into his closet and going in circles in his room.

I hummed as I stepped out into the hallway, walking to the bathroom to see nobody in there. I walked downstairs to see Cake and Fiona munching happily on their breakfast, "Did Noah already come downstairs?" I asked.

Both had puzzled expressions on their faces, "No, why? Is he not upstairs?" Cake answered. I shook my head and then looked around the room.

"NOAH! Come out you asshole this isn't funny!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth so my voice would echo louder. I sighed as there was no response after us calling for him inside the house for a solid 10 minutes. I turned to Fiona and Cake, distress might as well been painted on my forehead.

Cake frowned and walked over to me, rubbing my back gently, "Don't worry sweetie, we'll find him!" She smiled. I nodded, forcing myself to try and believe her words.

And the worst part is, before it gets any better we're heading for a cliff.

I sighed and looked toward the door when I heard the doorknob twist open. I rushed over to it, slamming the door open, "Noah?!" I yelled.

My face softened when I saw it was Marshall Lee, disappoint clouded my eyes. He cocked his head, looking at my and lifting my chin up with his finger, "What's going on? Is everything alright?" Marshall Lee asked quietly, he must've seen the hurt look on my face.

I swallowed back a tear and shook my head, "We can't find Noah, he's nowhere in the house..." I mumbled. "Have you seen him?" I asked hopefully.

Marshall Lee shook his head, biting his lip. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him. Come back so you can change into more proper clothes and we'll go looking for him, alright?" He said, rubbing my back lightly. I looked down and realized I was still in pajamas, I nodded and let him lead me back to his place.

Once we got there I ran upstairs and threw on some clothing, quickly washing my face and then sliding downstairs to put on shoes.

I looked at Marshall Lee, nodding to show I was ready to go. Noah couldn't have gone far, he doesn't know way around. I kept reminding myself that as we stepped outside, our eyes gazing open for any sign of life besides us.

"Y/N! Marshall Lee!" Cake yelled. I twisted my head and waved her and Fiona over to us. They joined us in looking for Noah until dusk.

"Y/N...Its been 5 hours, I think we should head home now. I'm sure he'll be back by tomorrow morning, he'll probably just got lost, or maybe he's at the house waiting right now!" Fiona said, trying to make me cheer up as I slumped into the ground.

I swallowed harshly and picked at the grass, ripping out a ginormous chunk, I breathed in. "How the hell can someone just be...Lost?" I screamed, anger and sadness hitting me all at once. I clenched my fist and threw my face into my hands.

I'm better off when I hit the bottom


sorry this took a while to write, I've been very :/ lately and just had a lot of stuff to do. I guess I'm just a bit lost too, right? I made a poetry book/feelings book called "skye" check it out if you'd like, it'd mean a ton even though it's quite a personal book. I hope you all had a good day and have an even better one tomorrow <3 xxx

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