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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. I immediately jumped out of bed and struggled to catch my breath. Was it really just a dream? Or was it real? I shook my head, it couldn't be real. For fucks sake, why wouldn't I remember that if it were real? This was all just a terrible dream, it has to be. I paced around my room for a while and finally decided to go downstairs to grab some water. I got a glass and then sat on the couch, trying to rethink what my dream was about.

As time passed I got sleepy again and eventually fell asleep on the couch on accident. When morning came the light peaked through the windows, slowly spreading across my face. I squinted my eyes open slowly, trying to adjust to the brightness. Had I really just fell asleep on the couch? I lazily got up from the couch and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I had to talk this out with Noah to find out if this nightmare was actually true or not. And if it was, what was I to do with Marshall Lee? What if I don't love him and time is just repeating itself? I sighed and shivered off these thoughts as I pulled on clothes (in the media shit thing) and started to head downstairs since I heard Cake whistling her usual morning songs and the scent of food filled the house. I was greeted by a bright eyed Cake "Good morning baby cakes! Go on and grab a plate, you're the first one up!" She said and continued to whistle, dancing around the kitchen. I smiled and grabbed a plate, starting to eat it slowly "Good morning Cake, even Fiona's not up yet?" I questioned. "Barely, she's still half asleep in her bed" Cake said as she finished making two more plates, just as I was about to speak to her again Noah came walking down the stairs "Good morning Cake, Good morning Y/N" He greeted us both. "Morning hunny! Grab a plate and eat up!" Cake said cheerfully as she smiled at the both of us. My heart beat started to pick up speed a little, should I try to ask him right now or wait until later? I sighed and thought it over, knowing itd be better to do it later so Fiona or Cake won't eavesdrop. I finished my food and rinsed off my plate, then sat next to Noah again "Hey, want to come to Marshall Lees house with me today?" I asked him. He nodded "Sure! I'll finish eating then we can leave" He said smiling. "That sounds like a great idea, Show him around Aaa why don't you?" Cake said, eavesdropping on our conversation. "Alright! I will" I said, smiling cheerfully at her like I wasn't bothered by her eavesdropping. Noah finished his food and then headed out of the door with me. We slowly made our way to Marshall Lees home but halfway there I stopped him. "Okay, you're keeping something from me aren't you?" I said, looking him straight in the eye.

Noah's P.O.V

My face went pale as a ghost. How did she know? Is she just suspecting? She probably doesn't know and just assumes I'm keeping something from them. With that thought in mind, I shook my head. "No, of course not" I said, looking at her confused. "You are and I know it! Yes or no, did I know you before?" She asked. Okay fuck, plans have backfired, she knows. I sighed and decided to give it up "Yea, we were best friends" I whispered, looking down. "And we got shot?" She said shakily, her face going paler then mine. I noticed this "Yea, we were" I said softly. Did she know the whole story? Every thing?

Y/N's P.O.V

My chest got heavy. My heart felt like it sank, I was shot? I was murdered? I had a family? But most importantly, I promised I'd never love again yet here I am? I started to shake as all of these thoughts consumed me. Noah noticed this and gripped my shoulders "Hey, it's okay! We're fine now!" He said calmingly, looking me in the eyes. "You do remember who shot us, don't you?" Noah said. I snapped out of this shaky mess, looking at him. "No, I don't, am I supposed to know?" I asked. Noah bit his lip "Do you remember anything besides being shot?" He asked. "Well yea, I remember you, going to school, Avery..." I whispered the last part as I looked down. Noah nodded "Avery was the gunman. He was absolutely crazy, he wanted to kill me the most because he thought I was the reason you guys kept breaking up." Noah said. My eyes softened, I began to shake again. It felt like a piece of me was just ripped out. How was I going to say I love you to Marshall Lee? If the last time I said it it resulted in me dying? I slowly fell to my knees, gripping my head. "I don't know if I can love anyone again, ever" I said quietly, tears starting to slowly drip down my face. "Hey, don't let that asshole mess everything up for you!" Noah said encouragingly. I shook my head "I don't want to hurt anyone that badly again Noah! He killed you because of me! Both of us died because I lied to him!" I shouted, getting even more choked up. "What if I don't love Marshall Lee? And I'm just convincing myself I do? I don't want to hurt him Noah, I don't want to hurt anyone" I said, shaking more. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be known. I just want to forget. I want them to forget. At that moment I took off running, straight back into the tree house. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I opened up the medicine cabinet and took out painkillers. I poured them out and started swallowing a bunch of them as I heard Noah pounding on the door. I knew if he pounded had enough that door would eventually bust. I quickly started to take more and more, feeling my heart beat start to slow down. As I was about to take more the door busted open, and two blurry figures walked in. I tried adjusting my eyes more to make them out but I could only make one out. A tall pale boy with black hair and vampires fangs holding me in his arms shouting words that became inaudible at this point. I slowly whispered out two words before my mind turned into a blur as well "Forget me".

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