Christmas Eve Shenanigans

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Y/N's P.O.V

I hummed as the the hot liquid poured down my throat, "So good!" I giggled. (huehue //slapped)

"Hurry up Y/N, we have to buy everyone a Christmas present!" Fiona nagged at me. I frowned and quickly waddled my way over to Fiona and Cake, holding the warm cup of hot chocolate with both of my hands.

"Do you know what you're getting Marshall Lee for Christmas?" Cake asked me, looking through the shop windows we passed. I bit my lip, pondering her question.

"I guess, I don't really know what I was going to get him" I said, trying to keep up with them. "What does he like?" I asked.

"You" Both of them answered at the same time, causing my face to darken, but you could hardly tell since my cheeks were already red from the freezing weather.

"I-I mean besides that you asshats!" I stuttered out, embarrassed of their answers.

They smirked and giggled at me "Oh Y/N honey, you're so cute!" Cake smiled and pinched my cheeks. I huffed and sped walked past them, slipping into a store to try and find something for Marshall Lee.

After several hours of gasping at prices and running in and out of stores I got everybodys Christmas presents down, including Marshall Lees. I wandered over to where Cake and Fiona agreed to meet me after we were done shopping, seeing them sitting there waiting for me. I jogged over to them, "Sorry, did I keep you guys waiting?" I asked shyly, frowning.

They shook their head, "No, we just got here a few minutes ago" Fiona responded.

Cake began to snicker, "We saw Marshall Lee and Gumball walking around here, they tried to hide, those boys are really dumb sometimes!".

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

Gumball and I wandered around, trying to get our Christmas shopping done. I felt really bad coming to the shops so late, I didn't have one thing for Y/N! My thoughts were interrupted by Gumball, "Hey look, isn't that Cake and Fiona?!" He asked, pointing to what surely was them. Gumball grabbed my wrist, (Gumlee?//SLAPPED) pulling us to a side of a store.

"Why are we hiding?" I asked a little too loudly, causing him to cover my mouth with his hand.

"Shh!" He whispered, looking at Cake and Fiona as they passed by. His face softened and his hand moved away from my mouth after they passed "I didn't want Fiona to think I didn't care for her since I'm getting her present so late" He said, his cheeks turning pinker.

I rolled my eyes, "She's doing the same thing, so who cares?" I said blandly.

He glared at me, scoffing "So what do you think you're going to get Y/N?" Gumball asked as we moved from our hiding spot out into where the shops were.

I shrugged "I'm not sure, Cute stuff since she's cute" I said, peeking into stores.

After 4 hours, I realized there were a lot of cute things.

"Why'd you get her so many clothes and stuffed animals?" Gumball scolded.

I pouted "She'd look cute in a lot of clothes! And I need her to cuddle with these stuffed animals if I'm not there!" I insisted, clutching my bags to my chest.

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