Happy New Year!

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(fuck team skull)
(also, I just put the song bc I think it's a banger lmao, hope you enjoy the chapter!!)

Y/N's P.O.V

"Come on Marshall Lee! It's New Year's Eve, we have to get lit!" I said sarcastically, laughing at myself as I tried to poke him awake.

"Y/N, I'm a vampire, I'll literally die if I go into sunlight, how am I suppose to get lit" He grumbled into his pillow.

"Get fucked Marshall Lee" I said and laughed louder, whoof, I'm hilarious.

"I've been trying since CHRISTMAS EVE" Marshall Lee whined at me.

I shrugged, "Man that sucks!" I said in a fake caring voice, giggling. I hopped out of bed and checked the time "Holy Christ, 2 p.m? I have to start cooking!" I said and tripped down the stairs, diving into the kitchen.

Marshall Lee stumbled behind "Huh? Food for what?" He asked curiously.

I clicked my tongue, rolling my eyes "New Years you dummy, you're going to stay up with me right?" I asked excitedly.

"Depends, will you be my New Years kiss?" He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him.

"You can kiss my ass" I said and laughed, wiggling out of his grip and began pulling out food to make.

"So mean!"

*time skip*

By the time I was done, it was 6 p.m. I made chocolate covered strawberries and cherry cheesecake. I also prepared steak and shrimp for dinner!

"Woah" Marshall Lee mumbled as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm fucking top chef, what can I say?" I smiled, proud of my work. Marshall Lee was slowly making his way to the chocolate covered strawberries, I smacked his hand.

"Ow! Why the hell did you make them if we can't eat them?" He whined.

I glared "They're for after dinner you dimwit!" I hissed. "Now can you please set the table?" I asked.

"Of course" He said, hopping up and setting up the table. I smiled and put the food on two plates, setting it on the table and pouring wine into two glasses, putting them on the table too. "Fancy" Marshall Lee mumbled. "Are you planning to get drunk?" He asked, since I was already downing the glass.

"Slightly, are you?" I asked, giggling from the wine.

"Maybe, maybe" He said and sat down, starting to drink the red wine.

*time skip*

Soon, we were giggling and dizzy, and it was only 9 p.m.

Marshall Lee pulled me closer to him on the couch, playing with my hair "I've always had fantasies about New Years" He whispered into my ear, causing me to shiver.

"What do you mean by fantasies?" I asked quietly, leaning my head into his chest.

"Staying up until midnight with someone who's close to me, pulling them to me and kissing them, and starting the new year with that same person by my side. It's something I've always dreamt of" Marshall Lee said shyly, holding me by my waist.

I smiled, "Maybe that can happen this year?" I said, looking up at him.

He grinned "I hope it will" he whispered and kissed my cheek, squeezing me to him.

I slowly got up, looking around "What should we do until midnight?" I asked.

He smirked "Well you know there's always-"

You're Just A Bad Little Boy ~Marshall Lee X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now