You and I

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song isn't important but pretty cute so yea


Y/N's P.O.V

I flicked his forehead "Yes I remember you, stupid" I mumbled the last part, giggling at myself. He grinned cheekily at me as he grabbed my hand. "Good! Because I have a whole day planned for us" Marshall Lee said proudly as he started running with me through the dark forest.

"W-Where are we going?" I stammered out, trying to keep up with him as we ran. We both finally stopped once we got to a creek. "Do you like it?" He asked, smiling. I nodded, sitting down on a patch of grass as I watched the water slowly flow. "It's very magical and like, serene" I said softly, looking at how the water glistened from the sunlight peeking through the tree branches. "Yeah, I know all the cool spots here" Marshall Lee bragged, giving me a smirk. He sat by me, watching the water intently.

I smirked as I thought about an idea that popped in my head. Before I could even say anything I pushed Marshall into the water, bursting into a fit of laugher on the land.

"Y/N, you're so sassy you know that?" He said, I could almost hear the deviousness dripping from his voice. I was about to stand back up when a certain pale hand pulled me into the water as well, hearing his laugh fill up the tiny space.

I growled and looked at him "So mean, my socks are wet now" I grumbled. "Let's strip then, hey?" He said mischievously as he pulled off his shirt, throwing it onto the land as he started pulling off his pants as well. I swam away from him, sticking my tongue out. "Come on, otherwise when we get out you'll get sick because you're wearing damp clothes" He warned, taking off his shoes and socks last. I glared at him, silently killing him with my eyes "You can keep your under garments on and whatever, it'll be just like we're in your bathing suits!" He gleamed, doing laps around the small creek.

I groaned before agreeing, quickly taking off my clothes and sinking into the creek so only my head was showing. I scanned the water for Marshall Lee, but I couldn't see him or hear him. I soon became worried "M-Marshall Le-" Before I could finish my sentence he gripped my waist, turning me around to face him. He flashed me a dumb (very cute) smile "I got you! You got sooo worried about me Y/N! You love meeee! You really doooo!" He squealed, holding me close to him in a tight embrace.

My face lit up in a dark crimson blush "M-Marshall you're basically naked!" I stuttered, seeing as his boxers were very tight. "Hey Y/N, don't think so pervertedly!" He smirked at me.

I whined and flicked water at him, swimming away. "So mean Y/N! I just want to kiss you and show affection!" Marshall Lee whined to me as he bolted towards me. I whimpered and shook my head "Maybe when we're not half naked" I said shyly, looking at him.

He pouted, slowly swimming to me and hugging me "I won't try any thing! Don't be a meanie Y/N!" Marshall Lee whined. I sighed and let him win, him grinning in success.

"Weirdo" I grumbled, hiding in his chest shyly. He leaned down and kissed my forehead "Not true! You love me!" He pouted, hugging me closer before I finally squirmed out of his tight grip "Maybe" I said cheekily, smirking at him.

We spent the whole day by the creek, swimming and picking flowers to put in each other's hair. Nightfall had come and it got colder, causing both of us to get out of the creek and head home. I dried myself the best I could before putting on my clothes. I grabbed my shoulders, shivering as I walked to Marshall Lee's house with him.

He quickly took notice to this, putting his flannel over my shoulders and wrapping his arm around me. I blushed, looking up at him shyly. He smirked down at me and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. My face darkened with a blush as I covered my face with my hands until we got home.

Marshall Lee held my hand as he brought me up to his room, getting out a T-shirt and a pair of boxers (in the thingy), handing them to me. I raised an eyebrow "Why are you giving me these?" I asked. "Because your under garments are still wet, you need to change into something dry otherwise you'll catch a cold. Plus, you'll look cute!" He grinned cheekily, giving me a thumbs up as he scooted me into the bathroom.

I smiled and shook my head, closing the door as I stripped off all of my clothing, slipping on his boxers and shirt. I looked at myself in his mirror, pulling at the clothes "So big" I mumbled, looking at how his clothes made me seem so much shorter and smaller then I was. I pouted and gathered up my clothes, putting them into the hamper and going into his bedroom, seeing him laying on his bed with only boxers on.

My face darkened at the sight, staring at his bare chest. Marshall Lee must've noticed my stare as he snickered "Like what you see doll?" He said in a smooth, sly voice. I glared at him, walking over and laying next to him "No, shush!" I said, hiding my face in his pillow.

Marshall Lee smirked and put a blanket over the both of us, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. I looked up at him shyly, seeing his eyes meet mine. "You look adorable in my clothing, you'd probably look even better without the-" I quickly smacked his chest as I saw where his sentence was going. "It's just the truth!" He said, trying to defend himself. I shook my head, wrapping my arms around his neck "Pervert" I mumbled.

"But you love me!" He whined. I nodded, leaning up and kissing him seductively, teasing him a little "You bet" I snickered quietly, glancing up at him to see his dumbfounded face. "I love you so much Y/N! I have the best girlfriend around!" Marshall Lee said loudly, pulling me closer and kissing me all over my face. I whined, squirming "Stop being so weird!" I whimpered, blushing red at his antics.

"I can't help it! You're too cute Y/N~!"


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter, I just wanted to make it super duper cute and fluffy! I was kind of thinking about making the next one a little, ya know, spicy if you're picking up what I'm putting down :^) but I don't really know! Tomorrow we're getting the keys to the new house so that's exciting! This weekend I'll be painting, cleaning, and furniture shopping and then next week I'll be moving in so I apologize in advance in updates don't come regularly, I'll try my best! But anyway, thank you all SO much for reading and I hope your day has been good and I just love you all very much! xxx P.S. I hope you like the new cover, I noticed a lot of people were using the picture that I had previously for their stories so I wanted something to make mine different so I used a different piece of art! <3

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