Let me tell you right now, being a wolf is hard work. You're running constantly, you can't stop howling, and when you end up killing, it's just one big bloody mess.
At first, the changing process hurt like hell, my bones were breaking and my organs were turning and shifting. Once it's over though, you don't feel anything and changing back into a human is painless.
As Calum and I hunted, I couldn't help but notice that we kept bumping in Luke and Ashton. Wherever we went, they were already there, feasting on a deer or large rabbit. It was weird.
Luke has been weird earlier this night, when I walked over to him, I thought I could talk, or think, to him about what happened with Calum, but he ended up walking away from me. It wasn't like him to just shut me out like that. We're normally close and tell each other everything. I'll probably just end up talking to him about it tomorrow.
My first kill was a large deer, Calum looked pretty impressed by how easily I got the hang of hunting, well, I now was a werewolf, those kinda things came naturally. My eyesight, hearing and smelling abilities were sharper than ever too. It's amazing.
Since I couldn't really communicate with Calum, we used head gestures. Some of them were pretty funny and I couldn't take him seriously, but others were pretty serious and I had to follow his instructions.
Now that we've all finished the hunt, we were all back at the meeting spot and Sky and I were returning to our spot around the corner where our others were.
She changed form quickly and I just stood there stunned. She just did it so easily. How?
As if reading my mind she chuckled. "Relax, calm down and just think about turning back. That's how you do it."
I nodded my head, signalling that I understood her. I did as I was told and I started to calm myself.
I thought about peaceful things like the lake near our school, or the times my dad and I would kick the ball around with each other or the times where Becca and I made chocolate chip cookies together and before I knew it, I was standing on my two legs, butt naked and shivering.
Sky quickly through my clothes at me and laughed. "Hurry up and get changed and then we'll go inside."
"Alright alright." I laughed.
Sky really was nice, she was a lot like Michael, sassy but silly at the same time, quirky and shy but outgoing. Plus the fact that she's basically a human/werewolf flamethrower which makes her a total badass. I could tell that even though she acts like she doesn't like Michael, she does. She wouldn't have agreed to hunt with him if she didn't.
As for me? Well I'm pretty sure I like Calum. A lot. Yet I don't know what imprinting truly feels like. When Calum kissed me, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my knees felt weak, yet something was missing. It was small. But it just wasn't there.
When I walked into the cabin, I noticed that everyone but Luke wasn't there. They must have all gone to bed.
When I closed the door, Luke's head turned towards me and he gave me a half smile. I've always loved that smile. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside when it's directed at me.
Wait what?
"Alexis, can I talk to you?" Luke asked, biting his bottom lip.
"Yeah." I smiled at him. "What's up?"
"I uh, think you should sit down." Luke said, pointing to the seat on the couch beside him. I wonder why he was so nervous. He was really pale and it looked like he was shaking a little bit.
"Luke is everything okay? What happened?" I asked getting worried.
He sighed then ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. "Look, before I say this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry and it isn't, in any way your fault."
I raised my eyebrows then slowly nodded.
"Alexis there isn't any other way to say this. But I-I think I've imprinted on you." He said, looking up at me with those big ocean blue eyes.
Oh no, Luke's imprinted on me too? But, a werewolf can only imprint once and I can't love them both! One of them is going to end up alone...oh my god what have I done?!
"Luke I-
And then his lips crashed onto mine, taking me completely by surprise. His lips were warm and soft but his lip ring felt cool against my mouth. I sat there stunned for a moment before Luke mumbled "Kiss me back."
And you know what I did? I did it. Even though a part of me told me not to I still did. I kissed him back.
Until the unthinkable happened and we were both pulled apart by the sound of glass shattering. I turned to see a very confused, teary eyed, angry Calum staring at his with his mouth hanging open.
"Calum I can expl-
"Don't...just don't. Stay away from me. Keep your distance. You too Luke, if you weren't family, you'd be out of the pack." He said, whispering the last part.
And before I knew it, Calum was gone once again, he disappeared into thin air and all I could hear were his sobs echoing through the hallway until I heard a door slam shut.
Then it was my turn to sob, and I sobbed loud and clear. My whole body was shaking. Why did I kiss Luke back? I didn't love him. I didn't like him at all in that way. He's my friend and he's completely ruined the relationship Calum and I could've had.
I felt arms wrap around me and I shook them off. "Get off of me Luke. Go away." I spat, looking at the boy who had just kissed me.
"Alexis I'm sor-
"I said leave!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face like waterfalls.
Luke then looked like he was about to cry too, but instead he nodded his head and walked out the door.
Now I've lost both of them. Great. Good job Alexis. Way to fuck things up.
I didn't move after that, I stayed like that all night. My head inbetween my knees as I sobbed uncontrollably.
I couldn't stop crying.
Aw Alexis...ya fucked up good.But on another note...HOW ABOUT THE SKH VIDEO HOLY CRAPBALLS GUYS I CRIED SO MUCH!
I'll be posting the winner of the contest tomorrow so get your last minute entries in now if you haven't already! Thanks guys please vote, comment and share!
Love you

Running With Wolves || 5sos ||
FanfictionWhen Alexis Adams, the captain of the senior girls soccer team meets 4 Australian boys, her life, her family and her friends will be changed forever. As she finds herself falling for a specific someone, she'll face hard battles with herself and othe...