Are you serious right now? Alexis what are you thinking?! I pour my freaking heart out to you and you make me think that you feel the same way, then you go and suck faces with my best friend!
I can't stop crying. Hot tears are streaming down my face and I'm shaking uncontrollably. Sobs rake through my body until I completely collapse onto the floor. I can hear someone shouting from the other side of he door. I'm pretty sure it's Becca. I sighed and crawled over to the door, opening it then leaning against the wall.
"Oh my god Calum what happened?'' Becca said, rushing over to me. Man this girl is such a good friend.
"Alexis sh- she kissed L-Luke." I blubbered, covering my face with my hands. I was so broken, so defeated, I feel like my heart has literally been ripped in half.
"Okay Cal, I need you to breathe okay? Deep breaths in, deep breaths out. Calm down, you'll be fine." Becca said calmly, rubbing my back as she spoke.
"Becca, she kissed Luke,or I don't know he kissed her-
"Calum, are you saying that you didn't even talk to Alexis or Luke about this? You just left them without hearing their stories?" Becca said, her eyebrows furrowed.
I nodded my head and looked into Becca's blue eyes.. "It hurts so much Bec, it hurts to see the love of your life kissing your best friend. One of them is obviously the one to blame, and I'm scared to know who kissed who."
"C'mon buddy, maybe neither of them are to blame."
I shook my head rapidly, causing my hair to fall in front of my eyes. "No, you aren't understanding Rebecca." I stood up and looked down at her. Oh shit, I can feel myself starting to change. "How would you feel if you saw Ashton and Alexis kissing huh? You would breakdown just like me! You don't even know the shit Luke is going to go through if I find out that he has imprinted on Alexis. Yeah sure it may have been just a kiss to them and it may have meant nothing to Alexis, but I know Luke and I know it meant something to him."
I wasn't calming down, if anything I was getting worse. I was shaking with fury and I knew I was going to hurt someone if I didn't leave right now. I looked down at Becca who looked terrified. Her eyes were wide with fear and i could see tears welling up in her eyes. Crap I've scared her.
I didn't say anything, I just gave her a pleading look and walked out of my room. I walked past Michael and Sky, who tried talking to me, then I shoved Ashton out of the way because he was standing in the hallway. Finally I made it to the front door, but Alexis was standing in front of it. Completely blocking the exit. Her eyes were yellow and her fangs were out, exactly like mine. God I do not want to fight her right now. Please don't let me fight her.
"You aren't leaving. Not without letting me explaining what happened." She growled. Well she's mad.
I rolled my eyes at her. "I already know what happened Alexis, you and Luke kissed and now I'm out of the picture. You have imprinted on him instead of me. Now, can you please get the fuck out of my way so I can leave?"
"Are you out of your damn mind?!" Alexis screamed. "Luke kissed me! I made a mistake by kissing him back! I love you, not him! I have imprinted on you, you dipshit! You are just too blind to realize it! But if you want to leave, go right ahead. I'm done Calum. You can either grow up or get the hell out of my life." She stepped out of the doorway, leaving the door wide open for me.
I really didn't want to argue anymore, so I just sighed and hung my head low. "He's imprinted on you hasn't he?" I asked quietly. I knew what was coming and I wasn't prepared for what I was going to say back.
I looked up at her and saw that she was nodding her head. "That's what he told me."
"You don't love him back right?" I asked again, just to make sure.
"Calum, I love you." She said with a small smile.
I smiled back and walked over to her hugging her tightly. I never wanted to let her go. I wanted her to stay in my arms forever. I was so happy. But then it hit me, I needed to do something that I never thought i would need to do.
I pulled back and Alexis gave me a confused look. "Lex, where's Luke." I asked, my voice cracking slightly. She needs to tell him that she doesn't love him and she needs to tell him now.
She pointed behind me and sure enough, there he was. He was staring at us, I saw that he had a backpack slung over his shoulder. He knew what was going to happen to him.
"Calum please don't do this. Ple-"
But I cut him off. "Alexis, tell him." I said, looking at my best friend, my brother. God this hurts so much.
Alexis then burst into tears, she knew what was happening and didn't like it one bit. Well too bad, this is what happens when you imprint on someone who the Alpha has already imprinted on. "I don't love you Luke, I'm in love with Calum." She said, as she buried her face into my arm. Shielding him and I from seeing her crying.
By now everyone was watching. Becca had her hand over her mouth and was looking at Luke with wide eyes, Sky just looked at Luke with a sad expression and Ashton and Michael had tears in their eyes, looking at me with pleading looks.
Luke nodded his head and turned his head towards the others. "I'm so sorry guys. I'm so sorry."
The boys burst into tears, all they wanted was to just run over to him and say goodbye, but they couldn't. Those were the rules. Instead, Michael spoke up. "Luke it's going to be okay."
Luke gave him a half smile and shook his head, turning back to me. The boy was a mess. His blonde hair wasn't combed, his eyes were full of tears and his arms and legs were shaking. "Calum, please-
I shook my head, forcing myself not to cry. "Goodbye brother" I thought.
"Your'e out Luke, take your bags and go. You are no longer a part of this pack. Don't come back, you aren't needed here."
Nooooooooo Lukey :(
I cried while writing this guys oh my goodnees. I hope I didnt make any of you guys cry!
This is going to be my last update for a bit. Maybe a week? I am just really busy right now with pre- season hockey training, family get togethers, and going up to my cottage where there isn't internet connection.
Sorry for the inconvenience but i will try my best to update.
Please vote, comment and share!
Love you guys! < 3

Running With Wolves || 5sos ||
أدب الهواةWhen Alexis Adams, the captain of the senior girls soccer team meets 4 Australian boys, her life, her family and her friends will be changed forever. As she finds herself falling for a specific someone, she'll face hard battles with herself and othe...