Thirty Four

256 13 3



"Sisters?" Luke said, his eyebrows shooting up.

I nodded, making my hair fall into my eyes, I brushed it backwards and pulled my hood over my head. "Thea and Cadence. Family favourites. They're the main reason why I left home in the first place." I grumbled.

"Why do we need them then?" Alexis asked, "aren't you as good of a witch as them?"

"It's not that." I said looking at everyone, "I mean, yeah I'm good, but the two of them are just very powerful, they know every trick in the books. My parents taught them so well."

"And you? Didn't your parents teach you the same things?" Luke asked me.

"No." I said looking down. "All the things I've learned about magic and werewolves, are self taught things. My first change, I was alone. I could've killed someone and I don't think they would've cared."

Nobody said anything, to be completely honest, I didn't expect them too. What were they supposed to say anyway? I'm the new one around here. It's not like they know anything about me.

I rubbed my nose and took a deep breath. "Never mind that though, Thea, my oldest sister, is amazing at making potions. She can create almost anything with things that I bet none of you even have imagined."

"Alright, where do we find them?" Alexis asked, smiling slightly.

I thought for a moment, "We aren't going anywhere. They'll come to us."

"What? How?" Ashton asked.

"I can send them a specific signal, it's a family symbol. I was taught it at a young age by my grandmother. It means help. If a family member sends out the symbol, it means it's an emergency and someone needs to come immediately." I informed everyone.

"Kind of like in Batman?" Michael giggled, his head still buried in Sky's arms.

That boy...

I laughed slightly. "Yes, almost exactly. Yet it's a marking and each magical family has one."

"What's it look like?" Sky asked, smirking slightly.

"Take a look." I said, raising my leggings to expose my ankle.

"Woah!" Luke exclaimed.

There was my family symbol. Right on my wrist.

"When you're a witch, you get the symbol at 13, while wizards get them at 12. Ny last name is Woods, so the symbol is forest related obviously." I said.

"That's amazing Jo!" Alexis smiled.

"I guess." I chuckled. "I don't really remember how it happened. It's not a tattoo. It just appears the day of you're the birthday."

"Cool!" Luke said. "But you said that any of your family members could show up right? Not just your sisters?"

"I guess. But my parents wouldn't come. I know that for sure." I said with a shrug.

"Will this actually work?" Becca asked, rubbing her arms.

"Hopefully. If not, we're screwed." I said bluntly.

"Great..." I heard Becca mumble.
"To make everything easier when they show up, Thea, she's 21, she's a real bitch let me tell you. Stuck up, rude and down right conceited. She'll act all cute and nice, but I've seen her true colours. Don't fall for her bull." I took a deep breath then began again, "Cadence isn't as bad, but just as conceited. I can tolerate her more than Thea. Cadence is 15."

"Middle child?" Sky asked, frowning. I nodded and she replied with a "same."

"So now?" I asked Alexis, not overly excited to see my sisters.

"We're ready when you're ready." She answered, looking at the others.

Everyone was now standing with me. Jaws set and eyes fierce. They all wanted Calum back and I intended to get him back for them.

I took out my wand and stepped outside, everyone following quickly behind.

I pointed my wand to the sky and started chanting the spell my grandmother had taught me.

The symbol appeared in the sky clearly. The amazing thing about these is that not mortals nor other wizards can see when a family symbol is shown. That way, nobody else knows about the problem. These things are normally used for private family emergencies.

Key word normally.

"Is it working?" Alexis said aloud.

I knew it was working, the symbol was right there, they just couldn't see it. Instead of breaking my chorus of chants, I nodded my head.

I was broken out of my chants when a large bang erupted in my ears. The force of the impact blew me backwards and I heard the others scream.

I landed on my stomach and I could tell that nothing was broken, just scraped and possibly bruised. I saw that the others were getting up also and I sighed in relief.

"Jo? What the hell was that?" Michael asked, flinging his arms in the air.

I didn't answer. I just pointed to the large oak tree not too far away from where we were.

There they were. Leaning up against the tree, and once the two made eye contact with me, they started running  towards us.

"They're here."



I'm so so so so sorry for the long ass wait guys. I really am. I've just been extremely busy and I hope you guys understand.

Now for the question!
Who do you guys think play Thea and Cadence??? They are very well known.

Next update will come tomorrow!

Love you guys!


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