Calum's family were running at us at blinding speed. Yeah, werewolves run pretty damn fast, but these ones ran three times as fast as our pack.
I was scared out of my mind. I'm pretty sure everyone else was, except for Calum. He just ran towards the rest of his family with his teeth bared, his claws out and his eyes a glow.
After he took off, the rest of us had no other choice but to follow his lead. We headed straight to our assigned wolf. Mine being the smaller one of the pack, Max.
I noticed him immediately, he was definitely tinier then the other three, not in weight, but in height. He was probably around 14 or 15. And I had to kill him. Great.
As I sprinted over to my opponent, I saw Sky burst into a giant furry fireball. She was so bright that it hurt my eyes. Her and Ashton were supposed to take on Calum's mother, I'm almost positive that they'll be able to manage.
Michael was on my left, circling around Calum's father, but it was quite weird because the older wolf kept disappearing then reappearing in the exact same spot, almost as if he was trying to get arise out of Michael.
Then there was Calum, who ran beside me, but quickly branched out to fight his sister Mali, who looked like she wanted to rip her brothers head off.
I guess she kinda did want to.
When I reached Max, I didn't really know what to expect, the two of us just stood there, baring our teeth at each other.
Finally, I pounced on to his back, my claws digging into him. He howled and threw me off as quickly as I got on.
I landed on my back and rolled back on to my large paws. I could tell that Max was bleeding, his white fur was stained crimson.
"Good luck getting that out" I thought to myself.
He then barked and jumped at me, his claws raked my left shoulder and I yelped in pain, but I didn't drop. I wasn't going to let him win that easily.
I simply jumped on his back once again, snarling at him and snapping my powerful jaws. I finally clamped my mouth onto his neck, and pulled myself off of him. I still had his neck in my mouth and he was thrashing around, trying to get out of my death grip, but I wasn't letting go. If anything I was simply biting harder.
As soon as I felt his body go limp, I let him go. I could taste the blood in my mouth and I felt disgusted with myself. I had just killed someone. Sure he was trying to kill me, but it doesn't change the fact that I simply had just taken the life of another living thing. Werewolf or not.
I turned my body to the others and I didn't like what I was seeing, Ashton, who was once fighting alongside Sky, was lying on the ground at the foot of Calum's mother. She looked as if she was ready to rip his throat out. Her red eyes starting to glow even brighter.
Oh no. Heat vision. Move Ashton. Move. Ashton move. ASHTON MOVE.
But he didn't, instead he just lied there frozen, staring up at Mrs.Hood with wide, fearful eyes.
She didn't hesitate on clamping her jaws down on to Ashton's neck. Who let out a bloodcurdling howl. That caught the attention of Calum, who had his sister pinned down in a ditch.
Calum turned his head and saw his best friend being bitten by his mum and instantly started to sprint towards them. He was growling and snarling like I've never seen him before. He was out for blood.
This caused Mali to jump back up and look for someone else to fight, as Calum was clearly occupied with tackling his mother, who didn't even get to fight back because her only son had ripped her throat out in the blink of an eye.

Running With Wolves || 5sos ||
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