Chapter 10: A Rescue Mission

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Once the Sins found us, I figured there wouldn't be much time. I tried to hurry the others along. Then Envy HAPPENED to turn my way. He pointed at me and yelled, "THERE HE IS! THERE'S THE ALCHEMY BOY!" . I tried to run, but it felt like a tractor beam was pulling me. Then Pride and Lust grabbed me. "Let's go someplace 'safe'." Pride growled in my ear. I yelled back, "HELP ME!" but Sloth covered my mouth. I could only watch as my friends stood in horror while I was dragged away.
The Sins brought me to the pit again, but this time in a secret room. In the room was a small helmet. Envy forced the helmet on my head. He whispered in my ear, "This helmet won't kill you, don't worry. It will brainwash you so that you will join our side."

Wow, I thought. That really happened. I saw my changed self and wanted to puke. My eyes were dark and scary. My hair was jet black and all messed up. And my clothes became similar to the Sins' clothes. Then I saw something even I couldn't believe. The Sin mark. I was inside my own head, when a gigantic face came up. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks to your body, I can now harness my power throughout you, and take control of you!!!" He yelled, and then, I cried. I cried because I knew I was dead. Even if I wasn't, I was dead.


When Luke got taken away, I could only watch in horror.
Why did the Sins hate Luke the most? Was it that he knew too much about them? Did they hate that he had alchemy? What would they do to him? Those were some of the questions buzzing through my mind.
Me and Anastasia just stared at the dark sky, which was turning bright, while, Sam, Sean, Shanna, Elle, and Josh were planning a rescue mission. The problem with that is, we didn't know where Luke was or what was happening. Then I saw something in the sky. It looked like a message. I yelled to the others, "Guys, I think that means something." Everyone else ran over.
The message looked like this. ".PLEH ESAELP. DEHSAWNIARB. TIP NI"
"What does that mean?" Sean asked.
That's when Elle snapped her fingers. "It must be backwards!" She looked to Sam, who seemed to be using his mind power. Soon, the message reversed!
"Of course!" Anastasia yelled. "Luke's in the pit and he's brainwashed!"
"How'd he send the message then?" Josh asked.
"Beats me."
We went over to our "drawing board" and looked for the pit. It was not very far from where we were! "You know what this means?" Sam asked.
"We didn't get far?" Josh said.
"No, we can easily rescue Luke!" Sam yelled. "I can use my mind power to find his location in coordinates."
We all did a group of high-fives. Sam decided to go over the plan again.
"Okay, so we can head back. Then I'll search for Luke. I don't think we need all of us to find Luke, but when it's time to face the Sins it might. Sound simple enough?"
We all nodded. I got myself ready, in case I needed my agility.


I couldn't believe what was happening to Luke. Why did they hate him?
Then I saw the look of satisfaction on Sam's face. He and Elle seemed to be standing closer than I thought they should be. After reaching the pit, we saw Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth guarding what looked like Luke's room.
"How do we get past them?" Elle asked, sounding scared.
I took a peek at Sam, to see what he had in mind. Then he whispered something to Landon, and Landon jumped to the top of the building. Sam produced a rope on the roof, and Landon threw it down. "Genius!" Elle said excitedly.
As we all climbed up, Sam and Elle were right above/below each other. I was for the idea of Sam and Elle together, but I was starting to get creeped out.
When we all got to the top, Landon threw the rope aside and jumped up. For no reason. Then Sam said, "Okay, it's a simple, uncomplicated plan. I go down, use my mind to find Luke, burst into the room, armed with fire, capture the Sins, force them to turn Luke over, and kill them. Sounds simple and easy, right?"
Landon gave Sam a thumbs up. "Sounds cool; going in on your own."
I was nervous, but I said, "Risky, but I'll go with it."
Anastasia just gave Sam a thumbs up.
Josh and Sean didn't say anything. I didn't think they cared.
Finally, Elle said, "I'm going with you."
"WHAT!" we all screamed.
"Well, sure, Sam is brave, smart, and powerful, but the plan doesn't sound as simple as it seems. I went over any possible things that could go wrong. I figured a LOT of things could go wrong. Sam, you're gonna need some backup in case you get caught. I could change their feelings temporarily if we needed to." Elle replied.
Sam seemed surprised for a minute. Then he weakly said, "Okay, Elle. You can come."
"Good luck." me and Anastasia whispered to them both as they headed down the hole me and Sean punched in.
I hoped the plan went right as Sam said.


Being Sam's crush (and crushing on him), going on this rescue mission with him was nerve-wrecking. I was about to crack, but Sam gave me a reassuring smile that warmed my cheeks AND my heart.
"It'll be okay." he said soothingly. "I've done this kind of thing before. It's easy!"
I blushed. Sam looked to me and said, "Hold on tight. We're going down." Then he grabbed my hand and dropped down, holding me close. I knew he was only doing that for safety purposes, but I still blushed.
We landed on the ground. I saw Luke laying on the floor. "I WON'T DO THIS!" He yelled. Something was holding him down, and why wasn't he using his alchemy? Sam and I ran to him. "I don't care. You are the most powerful person we've met in forever." A mysterious voice said.
That person.
Could it be?
I threw a rock at the wall to distract them, and Luke clapped his hands and made a pillar going up as he grabbed us. Sam was still holding my hand, which made me nervous and good inside. We got out of the pit. "Luke!" Everyone exclaimed. "Guys, they're coming. Follow my lead, no matter what." He said, looking VERY serious.
"What are you doing?" Anastasia asked. Luke looked hesitant. "There's no way we can run from the Sins. Not in this world. That's why I'm making a portal to the other dimension. Go inside and when arms pull you, don't scream. I'll meet you guys on the other side." Luke explained. I sensed how affectionate he felt toward Anastasia. "Your right, Elle. He likes her." Sam said. Luke clapped his hands, and went off through the gate.


I was pretty nervous about all this. A gigantic portal opened, and these black arms swirled around us! I ran, but they grabbed me! I noticed something, parts of my body were disappearing, as well as the others! We saw a giant eyeball. Luke yelled, "STOP! WE NEED MORE FORCES!!!"
What did that mea-
Oh no.
Before I got sucked in, I ran up and grabbed Luke, holding tight. "DONT GIVE UP YOURSELF!!" I yelled sadly. Luke simply made me let go of him, and I watched him get sucked in, but when he did, he disappeared while the rest of us put feet on solid ground.


Whoa. Anastasia hugged me. I landed in a white room. "Ah, you're back. What's your problem now?" my mentor, Finnigan, said to me. I explained the whole story to him. Then I said, "I want a deal.". Now he quit being sarcastic and put on a face of concern. "Okay, if you beat this so-called 'Father' I'll give you and your friends a ride back home." Finnigan's assistant, James, said. I waited for him to continue. ¨For you and all of your friends to get over to the other side, I'm gonna have to take something from you. You'll find out what I took on the other side.¨ Finnigan said, and I swirled and put my feet on solid ground.
But not two feet.
As I looked down at my body pain surged through me everywhere and anywhere. Blood was flowing from my leg stump and my arm stump. ÄHHHHHHH!!!! WHY? SAM! JOSH! ANYBODY!¨ I screamed. The last thing I saw was someone yelling my name, then everything went black

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