Chapter 11: The 'Operation'

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To be honest, I was glad they left. I mean, it seems like Father and The Sins only want me. But WHY? It was so frustrating; all the others looked at me like I was the leader. The man came in with a girl I'd never seen before, but she was pretty. "Okay Luke. We're gonna get that arm and leg on you in no time." I felt comfortable, but I noticed they didn't have any calming medications. Well then. Looked like it was gonna hurt a LOT.
"OWWW!! STOP ITS TOO MUCH JUST STOP!!!" I yelled. "I'M SORRY ITS THE ONLY OPERATION WE CAN HANDLE!" The girl yelled. The man said, "Wait. Let's take a break." He said calmly. They put a wet rag over my eyes. "Oh no oh no oh no! Sam, Anastasia, Sean, Shanna, and Elle- I left them and they'll never come back. Never again-¨ I didn't finish, because the pain stopped. I finally went to sleep.


"Poke it with a stick."
That was Sam's smart-aleck comment when Luke fell asleep. Josh replied, "No, you only poke it with a stick if it's poisonous and you don't know what it is."
Elle quietly whispered, "Should we wake him up as a joke? Or let him sleep?"
I replied, "No, let's let him sleep. We need to give him time for the doctors to put the arm and leg on. And, it might completely make Luke's mood even more sour, which we probably don't want."
Everyone nodded and seemed to get it. That's when the doctor and the girl came in. The doctor asked, "Will you seven be willing to step out for a while? I have to add on his new arm and leg, and trust me, that won't be pretty."
"Okay." we all said, like we rehearsed it. We stepped into the hallway.
After stepping out, Sam instantly said, "Okay, I don't have a plan this time, but I kind of know how we can stop the Sins. They're opposites of us, so they must have similar powers. So I'm thinking we figure out our weaknesses so we can find theirs, then we kill them. I don't know, that's just a theory."
None of us said anything for a while. Then the doctor came out and said, "Finished."
We went into the room, nervous. I looked at Luke, almost afraid not to. And when I saw the metal arm and leg, I jumped so high my head hit the ceiling. I mumbled, "Forgot about my agility power."
"Clumsy oaf." Sean replied.
I got so mad I punched him. He hit me with a blow so hard I nearly fell over.
Then Anastasia spoke, "Guys, he's waking up."


Oh jeez. When I woke up, I had the biggest headache. I looked down. I had a new arm and leg! It felt so good to move it around again. I looked around and saw everyone sleeping.
Everyone!? I never have thought they came back, and here they were. Now I could finally sleep in peace, knowing that my friends were alright. In... wherever we were now. Wait a minute, I forgot to tell them that we're not on our world anymore and I don't think we can get home. It was scary, sure, but these are the things a leader has to do. I suggested I waited till morning. And that pretty girl's name? I think it was Emma, or something like that.
Then I saw everyone WASN'T sleeping. They were just sitting around. Landon appeared to have a small bump on his head. As soon as Sam saw me, I yelled, "WHO ARE YOU GONNA TRUST NOW?"
Elle looked at me. "You're right, Luke. I was wrong about my senses. When he said, 'This will probably go well.' he meant the operation. I'm sorry."
Sam added on, "And I'm sorry for yelling at you, accusing you, and leaving you. I was as mean as you were, and I didn't have a right to be. Could you ever forgive us?"
Sam, Elle, Sean, Shanna, and Anastasia all stared at me. I finally said, "Sure. But can I say something?"
Sean said, "What?"
"Now that we're in a different world, I don't think we can get back home now." I nervously said.

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