Chapter 12: The Academy

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Everyone yelled so loud, it woke me up. I yelled, "SHUT UP! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!"
Well, that wasn't really a good idea. Landon became conscious again, and everyone else stared at me, looking like I made the biggest mistake ever.
"What?" I yelled. Everyone either sighed or facepalmed.
Then Emma snuck in and looked at the eight of us. She gestured towards somewhere, which made me suspicious. Then she whispered, "Come on! There's something you need to see!"
Reluctantly, we headed outside. Then as soon as we left the room, we teleported. landing in what looked like a classroom. Then Emma appeared, floating about 7 feet off the ground. Luke stared in awe, which caused Sam to give him a knuckle to the face.
Then Emma said, "Welcome to the Hero Academy! Discover your inner powers!"
"Oh no."
Emma looked at me in a worried look. "I'm sorry if you don't like this. I'm also sorry that I had to teleport you here. But my dad told me to, because it looks like you guys could use some help." She said, looking sorry. I swear, it looked like Luke didn't care. I knew he liked Emma, so the next maybe I-don't-know-how-long-we-were here, he was going to be a dipstick. In love, as he would put it. "ATTENTION!" A woman yelled from the door. Landon jumped up in surprise, and hit the roof again. The lady walked over to Luke, who had fallen asleep on the desk. She grred, and pulled Luke up from the desk by the scruff of his shirt.
His pants wetened.
"Alright! I see that you are the new recruits. But, if you wanna be in this school, you have to do your pre-training." she said.
What did that mean?


"What do you think this 'pre-training' assignment is?" I asked, while we were on a boat.
"Probably some weird boat tri-" Luke was interrupted by us hitting the shore of a island.
Our teacher put up a hand. "What you must do is survive on this island for a month. If you don't, it's back to the streets for you!" She yelled. She threw a knife into the air-assuming it was gonna be our tool for food. It felt like she rowed the boat back to the other shore in the speed of light.
We made some huts and cheap beds; they were just gigantic leaves. The first night actually went better than I expected, though Anastasia and Luke would not stop fighting. I finally yelled, "JUST SHUT UP, YOU TWO! AND GO TO SLEEP!"
I think that might've worked, because it was silence. The leaves were actually comfortable, because I fell asleep quite quickly.
The next morning, Luke got up, grabbed the knife, and said, "Let's go hunting."
So we all got up and moved on. I set up a snare, and we finally caught a rabbit. ¨GOT ONE!" Luke yelled. We went over to it, with knife in hand. The rabbit looked at me, then Luke, who had the knife. Luke handed the knife to me. "You do it." He said. I couldn't. "Let's try fish." I suggested, and that actually worked out better.
As we were heading back, Elle said, "Hey guys, did you know I used to be a young singer?"
"No way!" Shanna yelled. "Tell us more!"
Elle smiled and said, "Well, I was on a TV show a couple years ago. I don't remember what I was on, but the host asked me to sing. So I did, and everyone loved me. Later, a manager asked me to be his client. I accepted, and I appeared on tons of TV shows every week. It was fun!" But then her face turned into a frown.
"But the kids at school were jealous. Angry. Upset that I was famous and popular. I was teased, picked on, and of course, called names. People insulted my singing. Although I stayed strong and happy through all that, it ended when my manager called. He said he couldn't..." She sniffed and I saw tears in her eyes. I patted her shoulder and asked, "What happened?"
Elle was on the verge of crying, but she said, "He said he couldn't be my manager anymore. I was thrown back into even more humiliation." Then she fell in my lap, bursting into tears. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"
I embraced her in a hug, and it warmed my heart as her crying calmed down. She looked up at me, tear streaked, and was able to flash a smile.
Then she said, "I can sing in Japanese. Wanna hear?"
"Um, sure?" Luke said.
Then Elle stood still. Out of nowhere, music started playing. Then she ripped off her shirt, revealing a skirt underneath. She started dancing, grabbed a random microphone, and sang.


When Elle started singing, we all stared in awe at her.
I mean, she was singing in JAPANESE, for crying out loud. After singing a verse, Sam got up and danced with Elle, holding hands with her. I looked at Sean. He nodded and shrugged, and the two of us got up and joined Sam and Elle. Later, Anastasia joined and Landon literally hopped in.
After Elle sang what seemed like the chorus a third time, she stopped singing, and we all sat down.
"Wow Elle, you're really good." I said. I looked over and saw Luke, still sitting there like a party pooper. Sucks to be him.
Elle blushed and said, "Thanks, Shanna."
Sean and I motioned over to Luke. Sean asked, "What's your problem, dude? We're actually having fun, and you're sitting out!" he yelled. Apparently he had been over-celebrating.
"Why am I not having a good time!? Probably because we're prone out in the wild, and in case you hadn't noticed- the Sins are looking for us! They're not happy!" Luke yelled. We all went silent. Luke went over to the leaf bed and before laying down he said- "I don't see myself as the leader, so stop looking at me like one." he said, and went to bed.
"Party pooper." Sam mumbled.
"I know, right?" I replied.
We sat down and ate what we caught and killed. It didn't taste terrible, surprisingly. Josh then yawned and said, "I'm tired. Let's hit the hay."
So we settled in our leaf beds and fell asleep.

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