Chapter 14: The Five Clues

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We sat down at a table with Wrath, who clearly had something to hide. He fidgeted in his seat and said, "Look, I don't have much time. I wrote a note to Luke to meet Father in Central City. Oh wait...."
Luke and Landon appeared in the room. Luke said, "Josh, Anastasia, come with me."
"Okay?" Anastasia asked. She and Josh stepped forward, and they disappeared right as I asked, "What are you doing?"
I don't know if I was delusional, but I heard Luke say, "I'll explain later! Stay safe!"
Wrath stared in horror, as if he knew what was happening. Then he gave us a note and explained, "I'm going to teleport you to a forest. There are five clues to what Luke is doing, and they're hidden. Remember, I'm on your side now. Good luck!"
Seconds later, we were in the forest. We read over the paper. I started, "In the middle of nowhere..."
"Where a building once was...." Elle read.
"Near a waterfall...." Sean read.
"At the top of a waterfall...." Shanna read.
"And at the top of the tallest tree." Landon finished.
We all read the last line together. "The clues of the Rock of Doom."
I snapped my fingers. "So THAT'S where Luke's going! Remember when Wrath said that Luke needed to get the Rock of Doom? Well, apparently we need to find clues about the rock. Why, I don't know."
Elle advised, "I think we should split up to find these." We all agreed.
As we went our separate ways, I said to myself, "The middle of nowhere? That could be anywhere." I searched far and wide, looking for something that looked like nowhere, until I found a piece of paper in a wide patch of grass. "Well, that was easy." I mumbled.
Just for the heck of it, I read the note. It said, "Clue #1: Rocks can be normal. But this rock, the Rock of Doom, equals terror. Don't use it, fools."


My only clue was, "Where a building once was".
That was it.
I searched around for about 20 minutes, and found nothing, when a guy came up to me. He asked me, "You must be lost. Want to come with me?"
I don't trust strangers, so I sensed his feelings. I haven't really used my ability to change feelings, so I decided, "Just in case." And as for his feelings, he apparently "had plans" for me, so I ran.
I stopped at a snack bar, where I bought some chips and water. The manager said, "Hey, I heard a Culver's was taken down somewhere."
I got excited. "WHERE?"
"Well, just follow the trees. and when you see tape, you've found it. But why-"
He didn't have time to answer, because I bolted. As soon as I saw that the ground was dirty, I looked ahead. There it was. "YES!"
I looked at the paper behind the tape. I read, "Clue #2: There are goods and bads of use of the Rock of Doom/Power, bad in the wrong hands. You posses the power."


"Near a waterfall".
Near a stinking waterfall.
I think, "Where could that be?"
So I search all over the place, looking for a clue. I saw a waterfall, but you never know where to look near one. Besides, it could not even be the right waterfall. Then I saw something that got my attention.
A rabbit.
A rabbit next to a piece of paper.
I ran over to the rabbit, which hopped away. I picked up the paper, which said "Clue #3: The 7 Deadly Sins are dangerous creatures. They can posses. steal things, and are VERY powerful. They are created and controlled by a mysterious force named Father. There are 7 of them: Lust, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Pride, and Sloth."
I figured. Then I saw a hut with a TV. I peeked inside to see the news on.
"... In recent news, 7 kids are still reported missing. Their names are Sam, Sean and Shanna, Anastasia, Landon, Luke, and Josh. They were last seen at the inside pool at Lockwood Inn. So far they've been missing for two months. An Amber Alert has gone out, but with no leads. If you have seen the kids or are with them right now, please give us a call."
My heart skipped about three beats. This meant four things:
1. We are back on our world.
2. Our families are alive.
3. They know we've been gone.
4. We've been gone for only two months.
I HAD to tell the others.


From the top of the waterfall, I could see Sean racing over to find me. I wonder why.
So the climb to the top of the waterfall wasn't hard, especially because I had strength. Apparently it wasn't for Sean either, because he scurried up pretty fast. He held the clue he found.
Meanwhile, I searched for the clue. My hint was, "At the top of a waterfall", so I guessed it was up here. And I found it on a rock near the edge of the waterfall. I picked the wet paper up, careful not to rip it.
I blew on the paper to make the words visible, and read, "Clue #4: What you do to the rock, you do to everyone. Watch what you do, or else you'll pay."
Sean had distressing news. He told me our parents knew we were missing. I simply replied, "Well, at least we know we're almost home."
So we decided to head down when a bunch of gunman came. They pointed their guns at us and yelled, "FREEZE!"
I heard a very familiar voice on one of them, so I walked up and punched him to the ground. Which revealed a mask.
"That's right, you little twerps!" he laughed mockingly.
"We thought you were dead!" Sean yelled.
"And considering the conditions you've been in, I'd considered you'd be dead by now. But I've spotted you, so it's time to get rid of you all, once and for all!"
Well, me and Sean were ready. And that's when Elle and Sam happened to walk by.
Elle closed her eyes and appeared to be thinking. Then all of Thomas' partners turn their guns on him. We covered our eyes and ears. Gunshots were fired, then I heard them running away. I opened my eyes to see Thomas' soul flying, and he yelled, "Many dangers lie ahead of you because of that!"
We clapped for Elle, and she bowed. Sam asked her, "What exactly did you do?"
Elle replied, "I changed his partners' feelings so they'd turn on him."
So off we headed to find Landon.


"At the top of the tallest tree".
I had this in the bag.
Only problem: I had no idea which tree was the tallest. I was in a forest with LOTS and LOTS of trees. Any of them could be the tallest.
So what did I do?
Stand at the top of the waterfall, looking at the trees. Eventually, I found the tallest one, which I floated to. I saw an owl's nest at the top. A piece of paper was in it. I picked it up and read, "The Final Clue: The only way to stop the Sins is to defeat Father, their creator."
Then I heard Sam's voice yell, "CHOCOLATE!" which scared me enough to fall off the tree.
When I got up, I punched Sam really hard. So he gave me a magnetic force that SERIOUSLY knocked me back. I asked, "What was that for, Sam?"
"Just felt like it." he snickered.
Sean then said to me, "I saw a hut with the news on, and it said that the 7 of us- I don't know about Elle- are missing. There's an Amber Alert and everything. But you know the good parts? Our parents are alive, they know we're gone, and we've only been gone for two months."
"Two months? Wow!" I said in amazement.
All of a sudden Elle started coughing again. I thought it was allergies or something. But then she rolled up her shirt sleeve. Her arm was covered in blood. She said weakly, "Sam, I feel cold." Then she passed out.
"Check her pulse!" Sam ordered, clearly calm. Sean and Shanna felt Elle's throat, and then Sean nodded and said, "It's slowing down a little! We gotta help her fast!"
Sam investigated her arm a little more until he found a bullet wound. We looked up to see Thomas' soul, laughing. "Fools! I told you dangers lay ahead!" Then he vanished.
"We gotta help Elle." Shanna said.

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