Chapter 18: Final Battles

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I was ready to fight my evil self- whoever that was.
As I saw him enter, a banner above told me which Sin he was. He was Greed. I could overhear Shanna say, "I can see a resemblance."
And as it turns out, Greed had the exact same power as me, except it was stronger. He started throwing orbs at me, and they were very hard to dodge. Luckily, I gave myself faster speed, which helped.
After a little bit, he started making them spin in a circle, and I managed to stay one step ahead. My favorite thing to do was gain, "bell" powers. I created a red bell, grabbed it, and gained three laser beams.
I shot the first one at Greed's head, which seemed to hurt him. I shot the second one at him, then I got on the beam, gaining invincibility. Finally, he did the spinning orbs again, and I made a blue bell and used it, getting rid of everything.
Finally, I got a green bell and completely covered Greed. That's when he gave in and mysteriously disappeared.
I yelled to Sean and Shanna, "You guys next."


I was totally not ready to see which Sins were me and my brother's alter egos.
A huge sign came up with the words, "SINS OF POWER" on it. A huge compartment looking thing was coming, Soon, tons of blocks were being punched out by the two Sins. They were Lust and Pride, according to the banner above.
"Let's do this." I told Sean, taking a deep breath.
Our alter egos also had strength, with a little bit of speed as well. They were faster than ever. But me and Sean were able to get a punch in every now and then. Soon, the Sins were out of breath. Me and Sean beat them to the ground.
But they didn't give up as easily as Greed did. Lust- who was Sean's alter ego- gave him a kick in a very bad place. And I got slapped by Pride, who looked like me.
That made me and Sean angry, so we knocked Pride to the ground and beat him until he disappeared. I threw Lust at the wall, and he charged for me. If Sean hadn't sneaked up and smacked Lust in the back, I'd be dead right now.
"Please don't kill me!" Lust screamed, holding his hands up in surrender. He sounded like Sean too.
"Too bad." we both said, knocking Lust threw the floor. He disappeared too.
"Alright!" we high-fived each other, then walked back.


I knew I was up next. I could tell because the next person to walk out looked like me. He was Envy.
That's when I finally figured out why the Sins and Father hated me. I had alchemy, and apparently, so did Envy!
Envy started firing WAVES of fast fireballs at me. I clapped my hands, turned my prosthetic arm into a sword, and started fighting. I gave Envy quite a few slashes, and I didn't get scratched.
Soon, Envy turned around, teleported behind me, and started firing from behind. I just turned around and continued fighting.
Envy screamed each time he was slashed. Sam then threw a red bell at him, and Envy screamed REALLY loud. I glared at Sam.
"What? I had one beam left." Sam said sheepishly.
I gave Envy the final blow, killing him. He disappeared into thin air, just like the others did.
"Glad that's over." I said as I walked back. And just to be safe, I made an opening in my metal arm, put the Rock Of Doom in there, and closed it back up, to make sure that a fool never got his hands on it again.


I already knew which Sin I was.
She walked straight up to me, looked me in the eye, backed up quickly, then yelled, "MEET MY BOYFRIENDS!"
All of a sudden, a bunch of zombified boys surrounded her. They acted like human shields. Every time I tried to get in, they pushed me away. I said to myself, "I don't want to do this, but I have to."
I turned to Luke, sighed, and gave him a wink. His eyes turned to puppy eyes in a second.
He walked up to me. I whispered, "Sic 'em."
In seconds, all of the "boyfriends" were slashed until every last one of them was dead. Sloth gave me an angry glare. But just then, Luke snapped back into reality. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Finish her off, Luke."
He shrugged, said, "Whatever," and slashed at Sloth. She yelled at me, "THAT'S CHEATING!"
I didn't care. Soon, Sloth disappeared. I walked back, strutting, and managed to sit down. I was wiped out.


I waited for my Sin to come out. As it turns out, mine was Gluttony. I knew it. He seemed fat at first, but then he transformed into me. He laughed, but I knew something that he thought I couldn't notice. The gravity was reduced. He would pretend that there wasn't a difference by reducing his force, and I would fly helplessly. No, I would fly dead.
But that was not happening. I had a plan.
As soon as he moved, I was on a side wall. But I readjusted, and now it was the ground. He ran up the wall after me head-first. If I were going to punch him, I'd have to do it downward, or else the loose gravity will shoot me up.
Gluttony pleaded and begged, but I didn't care. I kept beating him up until he cried one final cry of pain, then he threw the gravity all over the place! I was falling everywhere, and then I noticed Gluttony gradually losing power, then he disappeared.
Elle asked in curiosity, "Um, I wonder what I am?"
That's when Josh said, "Guys, it's my turn." He walked up to meet his Sin. "Good luck," I mumbled.


I was the final person up to meet his/her alter ego. And I was also the only person left. So who was my Sin?
And trust me, I figured this wouldn't be easy. Since my power was invisibility, so was Wrath's. And that would make it very hard to determine how I could defeat him.
Wrath appeared right behind me at first, which scared me. After that, he turned invisible again, so I decided to turn invisible. Suddenly, I saw Wrath! Apparently, if I was invisible, I could see anybody else who was invisible.
I chuckled to myself, "I've just made my life easier."
So I gave Wrath a few punches, knocking him down. After a while, he turned on me, giving me hard kicks, laughing with each one.
However, unlike him, I actually had soccer experience, so I had more running and jumping experience than Wrath. So, with a little bit of luck, I actually found out a way to manipulate Wrath in such a way that he fell out a window, plummet a big fall, and disappear, just like every other one did.
"Bingo." I laughed to no one in particular.
I walked back to the group. Soon, we heard someone else. And he was laughing hard.
It was a very familiar laugh.
Then a familiar someone appeared in the room.

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