~Chapter 1~

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Normal POV

-Before the two years of training, in an island near Amazon Lily, Ruskaina-

"Before meeting with your nakama, you will learn to become stronger in this island for the next two years," Rayleigh told Luffy. "Yosh! I'll do my best!" exclaimed Luffy, eagerly waiting to see what he would be taught.

"Luffy~ I'll bring you all the food you can ever eat and visit you every day and do anything you tell me to!" Hancock blushed, daydreaming about their wedding. 😓

Luffy grinned "REALLY?! Then I want MEAT!!" Luffy drooled, flashing her a grin, making her squeal and then lose consciousness.

He sweat dropped. "RAYLEIGH! Let's start already!"

-Meanwhile, in the small sky island, Wheatheria-

"Haredas-san, I think I'll stay here to study wheather science after all." the orange headed navigator said, surprising the old man.

"Eh? I thought you wanted to get to your captain. Why the sudden change?" he asked curiously.

"I have my reasons. And when I do meet him, I need to be able to navigate his ship. That guy is an idiot, and if I'm no there to support him, he might die. I need to be strong for him. He's going to be the Pirate King after all."


Yosh! The first chapter is done! How was it?

I would really appreciate feedback~ 😚😍❤

~ Death-chan ❤

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