~Chapter 11~

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-5 months and 2 weeks later-

It's already been about six months since Nami came to the island with Luffy, and they were finally gonna see everyone soon.

Haredas-san was coming back to take Nami to Weatheria again, just as promised.

So Nami and Luffy spent the little time they had together staring at the sky full of stars in silence, enjoying each others company.

"Really, I wonder what happened that day though?" Nami asked to no one in particular, and almost as if he could read her mind, Luffy replied,"Yeah, it's almost as if he didn't exist anymore. Even after we searched so long for him."


-Flashback- (Three months back)

After training, Kurogane was playing with Luffy, and Nami watched the late evening sky turn a shade of pinkish-orange, the stars were starting to appear as the sun sank down into the horizon.

After killing a sea king and eating almost all of it in one go, Luffy was ready to go to sleep.

"I'm stuffed~", he said sounding satisfied. Nami's eyes widened at his statement before she chuckled, "Luffy, stuffed? I didn't think it was possible."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" he asked pouting. "Find out for yourself," she laughed, Kurogane looking at him in a mocking way.

He stuck his tongue out at her and said, "Hmph. I'm gonna sleep," then he turned away from Nami, facing the trees instead. "Aw, come on, don't be such a baby, I was only joking."

He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious!", she smiled, as she moved closer to sit next to him.

Honestly, they'd grown pretty close during the last few months, more than they already were before.

Though there are certain times where her heart would skip a beat when he catches her staring at him, and smiles widely. And it's been happening a lot frequently for her these days.

'Really, what is that?'


Nami told Luffy of the islands they had yet to go to, telling him they still had a lot ahead of them to achieve their goal. She looked so excited, and Luffy couldn't help but smile.

And every time she smiled back, something went wrong with Luffy's heart. And his stomach.

'It feels funny, but I don't think its bad. What's that? Mystery feeling?'

"Luffy? Are you listening?" she asked, as she pulled his cheek.

He lost track of their conversation.

"Oh, whah weh you shayin'?" (TRANSLATION: Oh, what were you saying?)

She smiled.

"Ah, it's getting late, we should sleep."



Guyyyyys! I'm so sorry I took forever! I'm just not getting any ideas anymore. 😭😭

And also my iPod isn't working anymore so I had to wait till my phone was repaired.

Guys, I'm having trouble of how to continue this story, so chances are I might delete it. 😖😩

But I ain't giving up yet. 😏😊

Oh, and thank you guys for all your support!

~ Death-chan ❤

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