~Chapter 10~

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I'm freaking out right now. Only a few more views to 1k. Like, wow. 😱 It's only been a month since I started this book. Wow. Thank you so much~!

Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to @FairyTailPokemon, for the comments. Really, they made me smile~ 💕

PS - The picture above is cute af. 🙈💞


Luffy woke up quite early the next morning. The reason for waking up so early, he didn't know. It wasn't like him. But it wasn't like he cared anyway.

Stretching a bit, he turned to look at Nami. She had a small smile on her face, her chest rising and falling every time she would breathe, and the straw hat still on her head.

She looked peaceful, so much to the point that she even looked angelic. His eyes moved towards the direction of the dragon, who wrapped his tail securely around the girl, as if to protect her from something.

A smile came to his face at seeing this, knowing that the dragon would protect her when he couldn't. But he was pretty sure that there wouldn't be a time when he couldn't.

After all, he was becoming stronger to protect them. To protect her.

He stood up, walking to the river to take a bath. He stripped and got into the river, relaxing a bit, and then sighed. He was tired.


After he got dressed he headed back to where Nami and Kurogane was, and continued his training from where he left off yesterday.

About an hour later, he stopped when he heard Nami stir in her sleep. "Hn? Luffy..?"

"Ah, g'morning." he smiled brightly at her. She smiled, "Good morning. Why're you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep,"he pouted, "so I thought I could train some more."

"All you've done is train since we got here. Let's have some fun today, okay?"

Luffy couldn't help but smile, "Yay~! We get to play~!" his childishness made her laugh.


By the time the sun right above them, three figures could be seen at the coast of the beach. One of a young man and the other of the orange headed young woman, who are both well known to us.

The third figure was of the small black dragon, who sat lazily under the sun after a game of tag.

Nami sat near Luffy, her feet touching the water, as she studied a few maps, while Luffy lazily leaned his head onto her shoulder, his arms loosely wrapped around her waist.

"What are you doing, Luffy?" she asked, her eyebrows slightly furrowing. "Meh. Too lazy to move. I'm tired."

She sighed and went back to studying. As she continued to work on the map, she heard a snore.

'He must have been tired,' she smiled.

Nami carried him back to their usual spot, gently putting him down near to a tree, and then sat next to him. His head fell onto her shoulder, as a snore escaped his lips once more. "Mm.. N-Nami... Meeeaaattt..."

"Geez, he's dreaming about meat again?" she giggled, looking at him, before taking out a book from her bag to read. That afternoon was peaceful, as the gentle breeze made Nami's hair sway in the wind, shifting the precious straw hat on her head.


I know it's a short chapter, I'm sorry!
And it's been over a week too. 😔
I know you guys must be disappointed with this chapter, but I hope you look forward to the next.its gonna be longer, I promise~!

Please like, comment, suggest! It makes me really happy~ 😋😊

Until next time~ 💕


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