Author's Note

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Okay, so guys! This author's note is very important.

Nah, just kidding, I'm just here to squeal like a fangirl of how much I love Luffy x Nami.

Okay, it's not much, but there's going to be a SPOILER here, so if you don't want to read it, then don't. (The picture is basically the SPOILER part.)

So in the 806th chapter: 'At the Fort on the Right Belly' of the manga, (I haven't actually read it, I just came across this on google.) NAMI HUGS LUFFY~! 🙈💞❤😍💘💓

I know it's not much of a big deal to most people, and Nami was just sad, but meh, I couldn't stop squealing. 😂🙈

I just feel like all of this would some day lead to LuNa becoming real. 💓💘

I ship them so bad. ☺🙈😍

I literally have so many evidences, even if they're small, and I hope LuNa becomes canon.

(If you want one of the biggest evidences:
• After the Alabasta arc, in the kingdom when Nami and Vivi were having a bath and they realized that Luffy and the others were watching, Nami said it would cost them '100,000 Beli each', and did the whole 'happiness punch' thing. And for the first time throughout the ENTIRE anime, LUFFY HAD A NOSEBLEED.

• Unlike towards Nami, Luffy didn't react when he saw Hancock naked, even though she is considered the most beautiful woman ever.

Same thing with the incident when Bon Clay was on their ship. (HE REACTED TO IT.)

Meh, just proving my point, cuz I love this ship to bits. 💕🙈

Anyone else who loves this ship as much as I do? I'm a crazy fangirl about it. 💘😏😍

May it continue to sail. 😂🙈💞

~ Death-chan ❤

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