~Chapter 12~

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Okay guys! I've finally returned~ I know you guys had to wait for me for months, like what the hell, right? But I think I've finally got some inspiration, so I'm back again~!

I reeeeaaaalllllllyyyyy apologize for making you guys wait, and I didn't realize so many people actually like my story, it's really hard to believe.

I'm having my exams now, but who cares, I've made you guys wait too long.

So yeah, hope you guys enjoy this chapter~


Third POV

Luffy stirred in his sleep when the sunlight hit his face early that morning.

He sat up yawning and looked at Nami, sleeping peacefully by his side.

He smiled at the sight, she looked cute when she was sleeping. He had the urge to pull her cheeks, but refrained from doing so as it would surely anger the girl.

He didn't see the dragon around anywhere, which was pretty unusual. He'd usually find Kurogane sleeping beside Nami, his tail wrapped loosely around her to keep her warm.

But he really didn't understand why she would get so angry when he hugged her in his sleep, but not at Kurogane. Actually, he found it unfair.

(A/n: Aww, look at him, all jealous of a dragon and all~)

Pushing that thought away, he stood up, dusting his clothes, then went on his way to look for the dragon.

After searching around the entire island and not finding him, Luffy was really worried.

He hurried back to Nami, and even though he didn't want to, he shook her up from her slumber.

"Oi, Nami!", he said, "Kurogane's not on the island, he's gone missing! Wake up!"

She sat up and sighed.

'Why was she always woken up with so much noise?'

"Huh?",she groaned,"What do you want, Luffy?"

It had already become a routine for Nami to wake up to Luffy shaking her violently, and the reason was usually pretty stupid.

The first time he did, she had gotten annoyed and punched him in the head, only to have to listen to his whining the entire morning.

But there were times when he did get nightmares and would scream in his sleep, which got Nami very worried, especially when it was Ace's name he was screaming out.

"Uh, I can't find Kurogane anywhere. I've already searched all over for him."


For two days after that, they'd searched over and over the entire island, to find that the dragon disappeared without a trace.

[Present time]

"Ooooi~ oi, oi, oi, oi! Nami-chan!", the old man yelled, well, pretty much like usual.

"Hai, hai.", Nami said, not so enthusiastically, "I'm right here."

She turned to Luffy. "Well, I guess I'll see you in two weeks.", she smiled, pulling his cheeks.

"Shishishi~ See ya!", he grinned.


Well yeah. Damn short chapter, I know. But guys, seriously, I mean 3k reads? I can't believe it. Like, I never thought it'd get this far.

I really thank all those people who supported my story so far, especially @FairyTailPokemon. I love you. 🙈💕😝

Thanks for keeping up with my selfishness for so long. 💕💞

~ Death-chan ❤

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