~Chapter 9~

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Third POV

Nami and Luffy were done changing, packing up the clothes lying around, and were just about ready.

The place did have a restaurant, but Nami wanted to cook. Every penny they spent on Luffy's endless pit counted.

As she made pancakes for herself and a lot of meat for Luffy, she hummed to herself.

She was almost done when Luffy came in, his hair wet and a towel resting on his shoulders. She couldn't help but smile at the first thing he said.

"Ohh! Something smells good~!"

"I'm almost done, mind if you set the plates?" She asked him.

"Sure, I'll help," he said, but from the corner of the eyes, she could see that he was drooling already, with his eyes in the shape of hearts.

She chuckled knowing that he was really hungry. She set the food down and poured some orange juice into two glasses.

"Meat, meat~!" Luffy sang, looking like a happy five year old. She sat across him and began to eat, and within five seconds, Luffy's food disappeared, making Nami sweat drop.

'This guy..,' she smiled.

He stretched his hand reaching for her food and she punched him. He pouted in response and she laughed.

Luffy told her about his new fighting techniques as she listened with interest. "Ehh. So Rayleigh trained you?" "Mhm." he said while nodding. "Cool." She said as she stood up to wash the dishes.

"Ohh, I'll help!" he said as he stood up too. "Thanks, Luffy." "Shishishi, no problem."


When the both of them had arrived back to the shore in search of Luffy's boat, they found it crushed to bits.

"Wha-?" Luffy exclaimed, as he dropped the box of supplies (mainly meat) that they needed for the trip.

The ground shook, almost like an earthquake, except it was coming closer.

Luffy heard Nami gasp.

"Nami, what's wro--- Haah?" his eyes widened, "A dragon? Cool~!" he exclaimed, his eyes becoming stars.

Nami froze.

'D-dragon?! What dragon? What's this idiot talking about?'

"What the hell are you saying, Luffy? Dragons don't ex..is...t.." she said, turning around and she immediately regretted it.

She fell back onto the ground, seeing a majestic, black scaled dragon in front of her, standing so close that it could've been sniffing her hair even.

"What the hell is a dragon doing here, and how come I didn't feel him getting this close?" she whispered to Luffy, desperately trying to get away from it, as Luffy still went on about dragons being cool. Idiot.

It stared at her, with what looked like curiosity in its eyes, as it took a step forward. Nami slowly crawled back, "Luffy.. a little help here..?"

With every step it took forward, Nami crawled back, fear in her eyes.

What frightened her more was when I leaped forward right towards her, and Luffy got into a fighting stance.

She closed her eyes shut, waiting for it to do whatever it was doing, and to her surprise as well as relief, it licked her cheek.

"Huh..?", she opened an eye. The dragon was on top of her, smiling wide, like it was the most normal thing to do. Though the smile kinda reminded her of Luffy.

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