~Chapter 6~

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Third POV

Nami giggled in satisfaction at the sight of the old man. This was something she'd never get tired of.

"So where are we headed next?" Luffy asked curiously, and he was starting to regret asking when he saw that expression on her face.

"We need yukatas for the festival don't we? Let's go shopping~!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. Clothes were her second favorite things in the world.

"But I don't wanna!" Luffy whined.

A glare from the hot headed girl was enough to shut him up.

They walked into a store that sold a variety of beautiful yukatas, some plain, some designed with flowers.

But after going through the entire store, Nami couldn't find the 'right one,' as she called it.

Girls were complicated like that.

So started their journey of finding the perfect yukata, and finally, as the sun was almost setting, Nami squealed, "This is it!"

"Ughhh~ is it finally over?" The raven haired boy groaned, dragging behind her in exhaustion.

"Whatever, just try this," she said, handing him a red yukata with yellow fiery patterns at the bottom and gold trimming and shoved him into the changing room.

As for herself, she got a pretty light blue one with orange flowers and gold trimming.


Nami stepped out of the changing room and saw that Luffy was already done. She smiled, he looked great.

Nami twirled in front of him playfully and asked, "How do I look?"

"Shishishi~ not bad at all," he flashed her his signature smile.

After paying the cashier, Luffy grabbed Nami's hand and grinned.

"Come on! Let's go to the festival!"


The moon was out, as the million stars littered the night sky. The place was a bit too crowded for a time like this.

Lanterns hung from trees, and the streets of the festival were illuminated with its light.

"Woah.." the two said in awe, especially Luffy, whose eyes were in the shape of stars, gleaming with excitement and happiness at the sight of the food stalls.

"MEAT!" he exclaimed, as he started running to the stalls where they sold takoyaki. "Luffy, wait up!" Nami yelled as she followed behind him, laughing at his childish behaviour.

Nami came to an abrupt stop behind Luffy, seeing as he already started to stuff his face.

"Nabi, you godda tie dis! Is's sho good~!" he said with his mouth full. (Translation: "Nami, you gotta try this! It's so good~!)

"Hai, hai" she shook her head, as she popped one into her mouth, "Hm~" she hummed in satisfaction at the taste of the popular street food.

As Nami looked around at the bright lights and listened to the sound of children laughing, her eyes fell on this cute stuffed tangerine.

Luffy followed her gaze, trying to see what she was looking at, "You wanna play that?"


"Then let's go," he said, dragging her off excitedly once more.


Hey guys~! How'd you like this chapter?

I'm still getting used to this so feedback would be appreciated~ 💕


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