~Chapter 16~

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[Flashback to a month after Nami arrived at Ruskaina]

It was late, the stars were shining brightly in the sky, and Nami and Luffy relaxed near the coast after a day of training.

The sand was warm, and there was a comfortable silence between them. The only noise heard, was of the water meeting land time and time again, as it splashed against Nami's feet.

Luffy leaned onto her shoulder and sighed.

Days like this reminded him of the times when Ace and himself were young, sitting late under the stars and eating watermelons.

He would lean onto Ace's shoulder and fall asleep, and would be carried back home by his older brother.

He missed those times.

Luffy squinted his eyes, "Oi, Nami. A ship is coming this way."

"Eh? But I thought this island was in the calm belt?", Nami asked curiously.

"That's what I was thinking," Luffy said, as they both stood up and Luffy stood in front of Nami as a sign of protection.

But as the ship continued to come closer, he recognised who's ship it was.

He let his guard down and said, "Eh, it's just Hancock."

"Hancock?", Nami asked.

Luffy smiled, "Yeah, she's one of the seven Warlords, she's my friend!"

"You're friends with a Warlord?", she gasped in disbelief.

"Shishishi~", Luffy grinned.

As usual, all the Kuja girls giggled, "Luffy~ we haven't seen you in a while~!"

The girls moved away as Hancock came through.

"Luffy~" she said, pulling him into a hug, "I haven't seen you for so long, I was so depressed."

Her eyes laid on the orange haired girl beside him. She glared at Nami, releasing luffy from the hug, and asked, "Luffy? Who is this girl you have with you?"

Luffy flung his arm around Nami's shoulder as he pulled her close and grinned, "This is Nami, she's the best navigator in the world! I've told you about her, remember?"

Nami smiled, waving her hand and said, "Hey."

"Oh, so this is Nami.", she said, starting to lose interest in the conversation, Hancock's eyes twitched in annoyance, as she continued to glare daggers at her.

"I'm Hancock, I'm beautiful, and don't get in my way when I'm with Luffy. I'm getting married to him.", she stated.

Nami gasped, then nudged Luffy's elbow as she giggled, "Hey look, Luffy. Someone wants to marry you."

"Ehhh? No, I don't wanna!" Luffy whined, and Nami's giggles grew.

Hancock continued to glare the girl down, and said, "I'll be staying here a couple of days."

The girls giggled, and the blond haired beauty came up to greet Nami, "Any friend of Luffy's is our friend too. I'm Margaret, nice to meet you, Nami!"

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too, Margaret," she smiled.

Luffy came up to Nami, side-hugging her, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Naaamiii~ I'm tired~", he pouted.

Hancock and the girls' eyes widened.

Nami flicked his forehead, "Then go to bed."

Both his arms came to his forehead, "Nami! That hurt, you bastard!"

She giggled, sticking her tongue out at him.

Luffy began to sulk, saying something about 'Nami being a meanie.'

The Kuja girls gasped. They'd never seen this childish side to Luffy. And honestly, it was really cute.

Hancock was annoyed of course, but she let it slide and followed them into the forest.

She was tired.


The next few days went by the same.

Nami and Hancock would fight over silly things.

Luffy would laugh in amusement.

Nami became more close with all the other girls, especially Margaret.

There was a time when the girls had asked Nami if all men could stretch, and she giggled in response and said, "No, only Luffy can."

The girls looked at Luffy in awe.

The girls continued to ask her things, mostly involving men, and Nami would laugh at the silly questions they asked.

"No, no, what do you say..," she paused, a smile growing on her face, "Hm.. Luffy? He's kind of special."

They'd left the island a week later, Hancock and Nami being more friendlier now.

They'd come by frequently after that.

Back then, Nami didn't consider Luffy in any way other than the respect she had for her captain.

But as time grew, so did her feelings.


This chapter was shorter that usual. Sorry. 😖🙊

So yeah! That's how they met. 🙈😊

"Nami, that hurt, you bastard!"

Lol, I love that line. Anyone else remember it? 😂😂

I took it from the anime. 😂😏😏

Anyway I'll be updating more frequently, since my exams are basically over. 🙈💕

~Death-chan ❤

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