~Chapter 8~

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Third POV

"Hmm.. How about we stay at a hotel tonight, and leave tomorrow? Let's do some training back in the island I was in." Luffy said after a while.

"Hm.. sure." Nami replied, still not sure about the part where they stay at a hotel. But then again, this was Luffy they were talking about.

And so, they walked to a near by hotel, it was getting quite late, and you could see that the two of them were really tired, after all the fun they had at the festival.

As they arrived at the hotel, Nami decided that she'd book the rooms, leaving it to Luffy would be a bad idea.

"Excuse me, I'd like to book two rooms, please," she said politely.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid there is only one more room available."

Oh great. ( ̄ー ̄)

"Oh okay, fine. I guess that'll have to do," she replied.

"Here's your room key ma'am, sir. Your room is no. 105," the lady said as she handed the room key to Luffy.

"Shishi. Thanks." Luffy said as he smiled at the lady and took the key.

"Come on, Luffy."

"Aye, aye captain!" he joked.


As soon as they entered the room, Luffy jumped onto the bed.

"Ahaha! This bed's really comfy," he said as he jumped up and down on the bed like a child. Sigh.

"Luffy, I'm taking a shower. All that fun's kinda made me sweaty." Nami said, as she entered the bathroom.

A sigh escaped her lips as she soaked herself in the bathtub.

The days events replayed on her mind, and she found her heart speeding up at the thought of the captain's carefree smile.

'Seriously, what's with me these days?'


Still in the yukata that Nami bought him, Luffy lay in bed, his arms and legs sprawled out.

Thinking of Nami made his stomach feel funny. His stomach grumbled. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, he was probably just hungry.

He slid out of bed and made his way over to the refrigerator. Finding a chocolate bar, he unwrapped it and stuck it into his mouth.

He heard the bathroom door unlock, and his eyes travelled up to meet Nami's, and he blushed.

She wore an over sized t-shirt that exposed her legs mid-thigh downwards, and her shoulders. A towel rested there, to refrain her clothes from getting wet.

Nami smiled, "Your turn."

He got up, nodding an 'okay' and headed in.

As Nami sat on the bed, she heard the sound of the showers and Luffy singing.

She chuckled, "How cute."

Luffy didn't come back out any time soon, so Nami went ahead and went to sleep, a smile on her face as she whispered more to herself than him, "G'night, Luffy."


-The Next Morning-

The orange head woke up the next morning, the brightness of the sun's rays hit her face as a greeting.

She groaned as she tried to sit up, only to feel something heavy on her stomach. She rubbed her eyes, and finally when the blurriness was gone, her eyes widened at the sight she saw.

A blush crept up her cheeks.

Luffy had her trapped in a tight hug, shirtless, his hair messy, as he buried his head in her neck.

'This guy,' she thought embarrassed, 'he didn't even put a shirt on after he got out of the bath.'

And of course she woke him up.

"Luffy! What the hell are you doing sleeping over here?!" she yelled, punching his head.

"Wha-?" he sat up suddenly,"Huh, but Nami~! It was so cold and uncomfortable on the couch!" he said with a pout.

'Sigh. Damn him for being cute—'

"Uhm.. Okay, fine. But only this once," she stated, fanning her cheeks. She didn't know why she even agreed.

"Arigatou Nami~" he said, smiling wide.

She sighed, "Hai, hai."


Yosh! Done with chapter 8! I know I took longer than usual, I'm so sorry~! 😭😭😭

I was so into watching the One Piece anime. I'm so in love with One Piece. 💕 I'll try updating faster for you guys! So vote, comment and suggest! Love you guys~ 😍


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