~Chapter 7~

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Hey guys! 👋
First of all I'd like to thank the first commenter (is that even a word?) of my story.

I know it sounds stupid, but you don't know how excited and happy I got just to read that one comment of my first book. 🙊🙈😋😊

Thank you for that, @Gabe_0299! You really made my day!
And so, to show how happy I am, I dedicate this chapter to him~ 💕


Third POV

As Luffy pulled Nami along to the game stalls, he glanced behind his shoulder to look at her.

She was giggling, and Luffy smiled warmly.

'Cute,' he thought.

He didn't know why he thought that, but it just came across his mind. Whatever.

"-FFY! -UFFY! LUFFY! Hey, are you listening? Stop staring off into space!"
she said, waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh. I was just thinking of something."

"Wait. You THINK?!" she joked. "Hey, that's rude," he said, playfully punching her arm, as she laughed couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay~ here we are!" Nami said, still holding on to Luffy's arm as he grinned at her.

Nami smiled at the young girl standing at the stall.

"Aww~ you guys are so cute together," the short brunette had said. Nami blushed, "Oh, no, we're not.. THAT."

"Oh, but.." the young girl's eyes trailed down to their hands that were still intertwined with each other.

"Oh," was all they said, as the two blushed and let go.

Just the thought of holding hands all along made blood rush to the orange head's cheeks.

Nami mentally slapped herself. What's wrong with her?

The brunette smiled in amusement "I'm Hiyori, by the way," she introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Nami, and this is Luffy." Nami laughed, "So, how about we play the game now?"

"Shishishi. That's what we came here for, right?" Luffy laughed once again, who totally seemed to have forgotten about the awkward situation they were in just a minute ago.

'What's with him?" was all Nami could think of as the pace of her heartbeat accelerated by the minute and her face became flushed.

She pushed the thought aside as Hiyori began to tell them how to play the game. "... So, all you gotta do, is shoot down the targets and you win! You get three tries."

Nami payed the short brunette.

"Shishishi~" Luffy laughed, flashing her a cute grin.

'Ugh. What is up with me today?' another one of Nami's thoughts.

They picked up the water guns to shoot down the targets, and started to play.

At the end of the game, Nami scored two, and Luffy scored the rest. "Congratulations!" Hiyori smiled, handing over the little tangerine to Luffy.

"Nami, here ya go!" he said to her, giving her one of his childish smiles.

She thanked him, hugging the toy close. "See ya Hiyori!" Nami smiled at her as they headed the other way.

"Yeah!" she smiled back as she waved her hand in the air cheerfully.

"So whatcha' wanna do next?" Luffy asked, both his hands folded behind his head as they walked side by side.

"Hmm.. How about we play a few more games, and then head to the ramen shop?"

"Yay~ RAMEN!" Luffy yelled, jumping around in joy, Nami laughing along with him, and a certain blonde haired, whiskered boy turned to look at them at the sound of his favorite word.

And so, the two of them went from stall to stall playing games, laughing and having so much fun, that they didn't notice the time go by and it was already close to 10:30 pm.

"Shishishi that was a lot fun!" Luffy said, laughing. "Yeah. I really had a great time." Nami smiled.

"Hey, it's really late, how about we stop by the ramen shop now?"

"Yes! Ramen, here I come~" he yelled.


After they stopped by the ramen shop, the two of them walked side by side as the street lights illuminated their path.

There was a comfortable silence between them and all that could be heard were their footsteps on the pavement as they walked.

Nami shivered ever so lightly because of the chilly night breeze. "You cold?" was all Luffy asked, as he finally broke the silence.

"Yeah. Just a bit."

The boy casually threw his rubbery arm around Nami and pulled her close.

The orange haired girl sighed, it was late.

"We need to find a place to stay for the night."


Yay, done with chapter 7! I know I took a while to write this chapter but I finally did it.

Well, that's all for now~ 💕


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