~Chapter 17~

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Once again, the Kuja Pirates decided to stay with the Strawhats.

Everyone got along pretty well, but Sanji and his creepy stares made the girls kinda want to shoot him down.

Not literally though. He was just weird, though they really appreciated his cooking.

Nami had finally made up her mind. She decided she couldn't push away her feelings for Luffy any further. Not anymore.

But now, knowing the fact that she really had feelings for her captain made her nervous. Especially around him.

His smiles made her heart race, and any kind of contact with him now made her melt inside.

She felt butterflies in her stomach, and thinking about him made her face flush. Even when he was stuffing his face with food, she found it cute.

She wanted to tell someone, and she thought telling Hancock first was her best choice.

Nami considered her a rival, and she wanted to tell Hancock first, just like she had told Nami when she first met her. She could talk to Robin about it later.

But Robin had other plans.


Robin was fully aware of the feelings Nami held for their captain, she'd been acting really strange, it was obvious, actually.

She'd noticed that Nami blushed at the sight of Luffy, and she would awkwardly start to stutter.

This side of Nami was actually nice though, it made her more like a girl, and she didn't seem to get that angry anymore.

She smiled in amusement. She really needed to keep an eye on them, probably an ear too.


Zoro smirked. Seeing their navigator this way was really amusing. And the way the strawhat captain acted with her was equally amusing.

The day they had all regrouped, Zoro realised that Luffy and Nami seemed more closer than two years back, and Nami had become more nice.

He thought that she just changed over the span of two years, and not seeing them for a while made her soften up.

But he knew that wasn't the case when he found the captain and navigator sleeping in the same room, hugging, and a smile on both their faces, the day they had returned.

He never would've thought that the idiot and the witch, both who didn't seem to have the emotion called 'love', would actually be falling for each other.

He's been keeping an eye on them ever since.


When night fell, and Nami made sure everyone was asleep, she sneaked into the Kuja's ship.

That's right, she was going to tell Hancock about her feelings.

She knocked at the Empress's door, and a soft 'come in' was heard. Nami opened the door, and stepped in, "Hey, Hancock," she smiled nervously.


As soon as Nami left the room, Robin attached an ear to her back, she really needed to hear this.

She followed the orange head soon after, making sure that she didn't make noise, and entered the Kuja's ship.

She crouched outside the room. The door was slightly ajar, and she could see what was going on inside.

She got startled though, when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her.

"So you've caught on too," behind her stood the green haired man she'd recognise anywhere, their swordsman, Zoro. He had a wide smirk plastered on his face.

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