~Chapter 15~

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Nami woke up the next morning, rubbing her eyes.

Her eyes went wide as she sat up in realization. 'Luffy.'

She looked around, she was back in her room, a blanket neatly tucked around her to keep her warm.

She hurriedly brushed her teeth, pulled her hair up in a ponytail, then rushed to the infirmary. Luffy wasn't there.

Hearing voices from the kitchen, she opened the door and the smell of pancakes made her stomach grumble.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Good morning, Nami-san!", Sanji yelled, hearts in his eyes.

She smiled, seeing that Luffy was there too, a bit too busy stuffing his face.

"Good Morni--", she was cut off by Luffy, now noticing that she was there, "Ah! Naaamiii~!", he yelled, stretching his way over to her and pulling her into a hug.

'Well, isn't he lively for a guy who was just sick yesterday,' she chuckled.

He pulled back to look at her and grinned, "I feel all better now! Thanks for taking care of me yesterday!", he thought for a second, "Oh, and you were kinda cold when I woke up this morning, so I took you back to your room!"

'So it was him.'

She grinned pinching his nose playfully, "Thank you."

He smiled and pulled her along with him to the table, asking her to sit next to him.

Then she remembered, "Ah, Good morning, you guys!"

Everyone except for Chopper, looked at her confused, "Luffy was sick?", Robin asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, "and you know," he said grinning childishly, "Nami took care of me."

"When I checked his temperature today morning," Chopper cut in, "it was like he never had high fever to begin with. Really Nami, what did you give him?", Chopper asked curiously.

"Well, nothing actually. Just a lot of food and his medicine," she said, looking at them.

"So that explains why I saw Luffy carrying Nami to bed this morning," Franky stated.

"Mhm," Luffy nodded, his mouth full.

Their conversations went back to normal after that.


The weather was fine that day. Well, not exactly. It was a bit too hot.

And once again, everyone was relaxing.

Zoro was rather lively than most days when he would sleep off. He was training.

Usopp was telling Chopper one of his 'Brave Warrior of the Sea' stories, and Chopper listened with interest. The poor guy, not knowing all of those were just lies.

Franky, well, he was inventing something, and Brook played music, something lively this time.

Nami and Robin layed back in the chairs in bikini tops and shorts. The weather was a bit too hot for their liking.

Shortly after, Sanji emerged from the kitchen, hearts in his eyes, as he served everyone drinks to cool off, giving more priority to the ladies first, of course.

The captain of the ship lay lazily on Sunny's head, his hands sprawled out a bit, but not too much, or he'd probably fall off.

He was bored, that was until he heard Usopp yell, "Oi, there's a ship coming towards us!" he paused, "Eh? For some reason it looks kinda familiar."

"It's the Kuja pirates again," Robin stated.

"Eh?" "Ehhhh?", came Luffy and Nami's response.

"Hancock is here?", Luffy and Nami sat up and asked.

Nami's heart clenched, seeing Hancock made her remember her feelings towards Luffy.

She would always just let it slide, thinking she was feeling this way only because she hadn't seen him for a long time then.

But the more she thought about it, her feelings for him grew. She's gonna have to do something about it.

(A/n: Okay, so explanation time. In my version of the story, Nami had already met Hancock back when she was in Ruskaina with Luffy.

So in the scene where the crew was attacked by the marines before heading to Fishman Island, and Hancock appeared, Nami didn't ask Robin about them, since she already knew them. The rest went like the anime.)

The Kuja's ship stopped beside the Strawhat's.

"Hancock!" Luffy exclaimed laughing.

Sanji popped out from the kitchen, "Did you just say another beautiful lady is here?", his eyes laid on Hancock. The spatula he was holding dropped on to the floor and he turned to stone. Again.

"Luffy~~", all the girls cheered.

Hancock got onto the Sunny followed by Margaret, Aphelandra, and the others.

Margaret rushed to Nami, pulling her into a hug, "Nami! How've you been?"

"Good, I guess," Nami smiled, and returned the hug.

Sanji, now revived, had a major nosebleed and fainted. "S..so many beautiful women.."

"Luffy~", Hancock said, but Luffy interrupted her, "Just so you know, I still ain't marrying you."

Nami chuckled, and all the other crew members' jaws dropped.

'Somebody wanted to marry Luffy?! And it's the woman who's considered most beautiful too.'

"No, it isn't that. I just wanted to see you," she said affectionately.

"But we just saw each other a few days ago," he said bluntly, and Nami snickered.

Hancock glared at Nami. In return, Nami's snickers soon turned into laughter, as she held her stomach and wiped a tear that now streamed down her face. She said in between giggles, "Hey, Hancock."

"Oh, Nami. I had totally forgot you existed," she smirked and now it was Nami's turn to glare.

"What'd you say?!" Nami yelled, stamping her feet on the ground.

The crew watched in amusement. Never had there been anyone who could annoy her this much.

Hancock's smirk got wider, "You heard me."

"Grr.. You.. You annoy me so much," Nami huffed playfully.

No, Hancock never actually annoyed her, they were more like, frenemies. Yup, that was the word. They didn't hate each other, but it wasn't like they were best friends either.

More like Zoro and Sanji. They'd fight all the time, but they still cared for each other as friends.

But now, it seems like they were going to be more of rivals than frenemies.

Rivals, for the one they love.


I've been updating a lot these days. 😂😂😅

So yeah, I really couldn't make Hancock a b*tch in this story, I like her character. 😭😭

I find her really cute and funny in the anime, actually. 😊😏

There are people who hate her, yes, I know. But I just can't. 😅😊

So Nami and Hancock are rivals from now on. 😈😏😏

Qn: Who do you think will win this rivalry?

A: LuNa, of course. 💕🙈

The next chapter will be about Nami and Hancock's meeting. *Squeal* I can't wait. 🙈😂😏

~Death-chan ❤

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