~Chapter 18~

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The Thousand Sunny sailed quietly through the fog one afternoon, the Kuja's ship by their side. It wasn't that much of a pleasant weather, but everyone was present on deck.

It was times like these when they needed their navigator the most. It was getting cold, and a storm was starting at sea.

As everyone concentrated on the rough sea ahead, Luffy took it as an opportunity to sneak into the kitchen to steal some food.

And Nami was the one who noticed the captain was missing.

The ship continued to rock violently, as the brown-eyed girl slowly walked into the kitchen. She opened the door without a sound and quietly sneaked to the refrigerator.

She was going to surprise him.

"What'cha doing, Luffy?" Nami giggled near his ear. Startled, Luffy slammed the refrigerator closed.

"Nami! What the hell?!"

She giggled, his expression was priceless. As her giggles turned into laughter, the ship shook once more, and Nami lost her balance.

She grabbed Luffy's arm for support, which resulted in him toppling down with her.

Just great.

Her hair was sprawled out on the floor, Luffy on top of her, his hands on either side of her head.

Nami opened her eyes, "L-Luffy, are you--" she was cut short when she felt his fingers brush back the hair from her forehead carefully, now getting a clear view of her eyes.

Her chocolate brown orbs seemed to hypnotize him, until she noticed his eyes flash to her lips then back to her eyes.

All of this happened too quickly. Was she just imagining things?

She froze when he inched closer, his hands now cupped her cheeks.

Her cheeks grew warm, and a million thoughts raced through her mind. Why was he getting so close to her? What was he thinking right now?

She just couldn't understand him.

He came closer, and when their noses touched, a giggle escaped his lips. It warmed her heart, but that didn't stop it from increasing its pace.

Her eyes shut tightly, and he seemed to be doing the same, that was, until his stomach grumbled.

He sprang back quickly in embarrassment, and his eyes never met hers.

"L-Luffy--" she began, but he cut her off once more, as he placed his straw hat on her head, tilting it to cover her eyes.

"Don't.. say anything. Just give me a minute," he said, as she felt him turn away from her, just a bit.

She peeked from underneath the straw hat at him, and her eyes widened.

He sat turned away from her, but she could see his ears had turned a bright shade of red, along with his entire face. His hand was placed over his mouth in a fist, as he seemed to be trying to calm himself down.

"Aaaah, what was I trying to do?" he mumbled to himself, "She was so cute."

But of course, Nami didn't hear that.

She couldn't help but think he looked cute this way.

He got up, "Uh, you can keep the hat with you," he said awkwardly, as he rushed out of the room.

She blushed, as she pulled his hat to cover her eyes once more, "What was that?"


The Strawhat Pirates' attention was on the kitchen door when it suddenly flung open, and Luffy emerged from the room.

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