~Chapter 13~

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Third POV

Nami had gone back to Weatheria as promised, and continued to learn weather science.

Sure, it was nice being back there, but she missed all the fun she'd had with Luffy for the past few months.

Her chest would ache from loneliness whenever she thought of him, and her heart would skip a beat every time she pictured him smile.

Over the few months she'd spent on the island with him, she had realised that having him around always made her happy and she felt content.

She was starting to realise the feelings she had for the boy, but refused to accept it. He was only her friend, and he, of all people would never think of such feelings or of her in that way.

The only 'love' he knows is his love for nakama, or his love for meat.

But thinking that would make her disappointed, no matter how much she tried to convince herself. So she'd distract herself with other things.


After Nami left, Luffy had gone back to training. But he felt something was missing. It was like everything that had to do with fun had completely disappeared, and he felt empty.

He couldn't wake up every morning to see Nami sleeping peacefully beside him, like all the other days.

He really missed having her around, because when she was with him, he was so happy, so excited, that his heart wouldn't stop beating fast.

He'd have that funny feeling in his stomach again, but he liked it.

Her smile, her laugh, just seeing her made him happy beyond comparison. And he couldn't wait to see her again.


~Two weeks later~

"Luffy, the ship's ready. We can set sail anytime now," Margaret said.

"Yeah. I'm coming," he called, grabbing his strawhat and walked over to Margaret, seeing that the huge 'animals' from the island were going to attack her.

"Oi, look closer. She's my friend."

The 'animals' shivered, stepping back. He'd already become the strongest on the island.

"Because I became friends with you guys, I can't eat you.", he pouted. The 'animals' sweat dropped.

"Ah, Luffy~! I-", Hancock began, but Luffy cut her off and said bluntly, "I'm not gonna marry you."

Hancock continued with her fangirling but Luffy had other thoughts in his mind.

They were finally setting sail, and he was gonna see everyone again. He was especially excited to meet up with a certain orange-haired girl.


Back in Sabaody Archipelago, Nami sat at an old bar, getting information that would be useful to the crew.

It seems that the Marines had relocated their base, and the Archipelago had gotten more loud the past two years.

There was also a rumour going around that the 'Strawhat crew' was regrouping on the very same island, and they were gathering crew members.

She rolled her eyes at the obvious false rumour.

Nami was to meet Usopp here, and she heard Luffy arrived here as well.

The doors were suddenly swung open, and in came a bunch of people wearing very familiar clothes.

'Imposters.', she thought, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at how ridiculous these guys looked. They looked nothing like her real crew.

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