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It's finally come down to the last chapter.

Which means: Confessions. Yay~! 🙈💕

Warning: LuNa fluff up ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. ❤


Luffy stirred a bit in his sleep until he was fully awake, eyes wide, as he stared at the orange-haired girl in his arms.

She was asleep still, her hair messy and fallen over her eyes, as she gripped onto the sleeve if his button-up shirt, a smile on her face.

Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took, and over all, he thought she looked cute.

He brushed back her hair to take a look at her face and smiled.

"So this is love. Seems nice."

She shivered, moved close to him, and buried her face in his chest, seeking warmth.

It was freezing now, probably because they were moving towards a winter island, but it wasn't snowing, something Luffy was looking forward to.

Not wanting to get out of bed, his grip on Nami's waist tightened, and pulled her close.

He's gonna tell her today.


Nami opened the door to the kitchen, everyone was as loud as ever, but not like everyday. Someone was missing.

"Morning guys, where's Luffy?"

The crew's attention was on her, until Usopp decided to talk, "In the aquarium room, he's been there since we woke up."

"He didn't even eat breakfast," Chopper furrowed his eyebrows.


"I'll check on him then," Nami smiled, but Sanji stopped her, "You need to eat first, Nami-san!"

"Ah, okay," she said.


Nami requested Sanji to make some food for Luffy, which he did willingly, not only because Nami asked, but also because he was getting worried about their captain's behavior.

She didn't bother to knock when she reached the room, and as soon as she opened it, Luffy sat up hurriedly.


She smiled, "What'cha doing here, Luffy? You missed breakfast."

"Uh.. I was..," Luffy was cut off by his grumbling stomach, to which Nami laughed, and set the food in front of him, as she sat across to him.

He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "Thanks."


The crew listened curiously from the other side of the door, which was shut closed, just like the entire morning.

Of course they were curious, they all had a clue of what Luffy might have been doing there since morning, especially when he let none of them into the room, well, except Nami.


"So what were you doing here all morning?" Nami chuckled, as she watched Luffy stuff his face.

He wouldn't miss food for nothing.

His face turned red once more, as he shifted his gaze to the floor, "Thinking."


Luffy choked. Nami's eyes widened, and she was by his side in a second, as he gulped down a glass of water.

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