~Chapter 2~

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-A year and a half later-

Luffy's POV

A year and a half, huh? Time sure went by fast. Rayleigh left a few days back, and he said he's taught me all he knows.

And thanks to him, I've become like the king of this island. Yosh! That's my first step to becoming the Pirate King!

Shishishi~ Now I'll have to train by myself for the next six months. But before that I want MEAT!


Third POV

Meat was a hard thing to find on this island. Being the nice person Luffy was, he'd befriended all the animals whom he would've eaten otherwise.

'Might as well go somewhere else, then,' he shrugged.

He took his cloak. Hancock had given it to him, so that he wouldn't draw much attention to himself. Who knows what would happen if the navy knew he was alive.

He prepared a boat for the 'journey.' The reason he would call it that, was for the fact that he didn't know when he'd arrived on the next island.

He certainly didn't know how to navigate a boat at sea. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Praying he would arrive at an island soon, he got into the boat and set sail.

-3 hours later-

After three long hours of aimless travelling, the young raven haired boy finally saw an island come into view.

His lips tugged upward into a smile, which soon turned into a grin, thanking god that he was finally able to find an island.


'Time sure flies,' she'd thought.

The orange haired girl sat at the table, examining her Clima Tact. She had asked Haredas-san to upgrade it.

Her orange hair now swept past her shoulders and down her back. She'd grown taller and quite lady like.

Though she didn't act like one.

She still had that loud mouth and was angered easily, much like the times when she was with the crew.

"So, do you like it?" The old man asked, motioning his head to her weapon.

She nodded, a smile forming on her lips, "Yes, thank you. Now it's more offensive than defensive. I like it."

He chuckled.

"Ah," she started, "If you don't mind, I'd like to take a trip back to the surface again. My clothes are getting really small, you see. It's been ages since I went on a shopping spree," she chuckled.

"Well, I guess that wouldn't be a problem. I've got some business down there too."


Nami arrived at an island nearby along with the old man. They parted ways, him, to tend to his business, while she just took her time buying new clothes.

She grabbed three large piles of clothes, placing it on the counter, and said with a grin, "I'll buy all of this, so give it to me for half the price."

The shopkeeper sweat dropped.

She heard a sudden noise outside the shop, and rushed out.

Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped in disbelief at what she saw before her.


He pulled the boat onto the shore, and set off into the forest. He needed to cross the forest if he had to get to the town.

He walked, and walked, and walked some more, until he thought he should give up. It felt more like he was walking in circles.

His mind wandered, and was only brought back when he bumped into something. A boar.

It had horns, and smoke released from its nose comically.

Luffy's eyes twinkled.


At the sight of the boy drooling a bucket, the animal sweatdropped, slowly backing off, until Luffy started to chase it.

The terrified animal ran for its life, who was this boy anyway?

Luffy saw the town coming into view as he followed the wild boar, and he grinned.

He punched the animal with his signature move, and it came crashing down onto the ground.

The force from the attack pushed his hood back, revealing his short ebony hair and the distinctive scar under his left eye.


As he looked around, he realized he'd ended up in a small bazaar, filled to the brim with people.

Everyone fell into complete silence, until a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him along.

This idiot was messing up.

"Pull your hood back on," the voice said.

Luffy recognised this voice, it was one he slightly remembered hearing.

He did as she told, at least they'd gotten away from there.

He could almost picture her smiling as she spoke, "It's been really long, Luffy."


TADA! And that's chapter 2! 790+ words~ Longest I've written! So guys, remember!

Tell me if you liked it so far. 😏😊

Look forward to the next chapter! Till next time~💕

~Death-chan ❤

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