~Chapter 3~

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Third POV

They'd entered a different part of the town entirely when they had decided to stop.

Luffy was confused. Did he know her?

Nami stopped to take a breath, before sighing, "Seriously, Luffy, you're hopeless."

She stood up straight and smiled at him, "How's it been? We haven't seen each other in a while."

He looked her up and down once more. Pretty orange hair. Chocolate brown eyes. The cool pinwheel tattoo.

His eyes bulged out. "Ehhhh? Naaaami?"

She half expected this reaction, "Of course, idiot. Took you long enough."

"Ehhh, it's really been so long! What're you doing here? You look so different I didn't even recognise you!" he went on, and Nami chuckled when his stomach grumbled.

"Ah, I'm hungry~" Luffy pouted.

"I'll treat you to something today," Nami smiled, as an excited Luffy jumped around her saying, "Really? You will?" a childish glimmer in his eyes. He'd realized she'd not only become prettier, but she was also weirdly nicer.

The Nami he knew would never just spend money on him like that. Especially when it was to fill his bottomless pit of a stomach.

"Yes Luffy, yes I will," she giggled.


Nami now regretted taking Luffy to eat. He'd stuffed his face all he can, and she found she didn't have much money left.

Yet, she didn't mind. She hadn't seen her captain for a long time now, and she enjoyed every minute she spent with him.

They now walked in the streets of the town, the sun was setting, and Nami looked up at the sky.

She saw thunder clouds at a distance and frowned.

"It's gonna rain pretty hard today."


There! I know it's a short update, but I'm busy these days.
I'll try to make my next update longer~ 😊

Look forward to the next update!💕

~Death-chan ❤

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