~Chapter 14~

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Luffy still peacefully asleep, was mumbling something about cool robots, meat and Nami.

Nami, hair messed from just getting up, sat wide eyed realizing that the crew was watching them all along.

Her face turning red, she tried to explain, nudging Luffy with her elbow to wake him up.

But she had made a bad choice, for all he did was wrap his arms around her waist and bury his face in her stomach.

"Luffy, let go!", she blushed, accidentally pushing him off the bed. She gasped, and squeaked out a 'sorry.'

He whined, his voice still sounding sleepy, "Nami~ why'd you do that?"

He turned to look at what Nami was looking at, and on seeing the crew, he smiled innocently, "Hey guys, what're we all looking at?"

Zoro burst out laughing at the question, "Nothing, nothing at all.", with that, he left the room.

Nami smiled awkwardly at the others, wishing they wouldn't ask anything. She couldn't give 'Oh-I-was-just-tired-and-Luffy-was-on-my-bed-so-I-slept-next-to-him' as an excuse, nobody would believe it anyway.

They'd probably just tease her.

Robin cleared her throat and said, "Nami, the ship is approaching some sea currents, we need you on deck now."

Nami gave her an apologetic smile, tied her hair up, then walked out the door. As she passed by Robin, she whispered, "Thank you."

Luffy sat on the floor, still confused about what was going on. 'What just happened?'


Everyone headed back to the deck after that awkward moment, deciding not to think about it. Well, except for Sanji.

"What was that jerk doing with Nami-san?", Sanji cried.

"Shut up, curly brows, you're annoying everyone.", Zoro said bluntly, which caused a fight to start between them.

Every thing was back to normal with the crew, except for the fact that everyone would glance at Nami and Luffy from time to time, noting how attached Luffy is to her now, and she could only blush in embarrassment, gently trying to push him off.


[Major time skip]

After they made their promises to Shirahoshi, they set off to the surface once more.

Luffy had broken an arm when he fought Hody, but that didn't stop him from being his bubbly usual self.

Not knowing that a fleet of navy ships were waiting for them, they rose to the surface.

It was raining heavily, as a storm formed, and the crew jumped in alarm at the number of navy ships.

The ship was temporarily out of cola, and Franky was refilling it back, so a Coup De Burst was out of the question.

The crew prepared for battle, as the navy continued to shoot canons at them. (Heh, canon, get it? 😂)

Luffy's cast got wet in the rain, as they continued to fight the Marines.


"Thunder Bolt Tempo!"

"Kung Fu Point!"

"Diable Jambe!"

"Mil Fleur!"


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