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It's been a month since the confession. A month since the captain and navigator became a couple, and all is well.

Of course it was. The two of them trusted each other, and all the bickering was common, even before they had feelings for one another.

That morning was special, and Luffy was seen sneaking into the kitchen. Typical Luffy, you'd think, but no. Today was different.

Today, for the first time, Luffy wanted to cook, not eat.


Nami woke up that morning, only to find that Luffy was not by her side like every other day, and she was confused.

Ever since they became a couple, Luffy would always find time to sleep with her in the girls' quarters, and Robin didn't seem to mind.

She found it cute actually. Unlike her grumpy swordsman of a boyfriend, but nevertheless, she still loved him for the things he did for her.

Back to the topic, Nami remembered what day it was, and it brought a smile to her face.

Today is her birthday, no, the day Bellemère found her and Nojiko.

Sighing, she grabbed a new pair of clothes, then headed to the washroom for a shower.

She stepped out of the shower soon after, a towel wrapped tightly around her. She brushed her teeth, then headed back to the room.

She picked out a simple white strapped dress with orange floral patterns.

Her natural mikan coloured hair swept down to her back and she pinned her bangs to the side.

She looked at the mirror when she was done and smiled to herself. The dress complimented her figure as well as her hair.

Her chocolate-brown eyes held a glint of joy, as she nodded to herself before stepping out the door.

"Morning guys!" she chirped, everyone was on deck, another unusual thing, as they should usually be eating breakfast by now.

"Good morning, Nami. Happy Birthday!" everyone said in chorus, to which her smile brightened.

"Thanks guys!"

"Ah, Nami-san, you look stunning today," the cook smiled.

"Arigato, Sanji-kun," she returned the smile.

As Sanji served her a drink, Nami's eyebrows furrowed, "Why're we out on deck? And where's Luffy?"

Before Sanji could reply, Usopp cut in, "We haven't seen Luffy all morning, and Sanji won't let us into the kitchen. He says it's all messed up."

"Messed up?" she repeated, even more confused than she was before.

"Uh, yes Nami-san, Luffy messed up the kitchen last night, uh.. looking for m-meat," Sanji stammered.

Sanji was never one to stutter, and she knew that. But she let it slide, and joined the others.

"We've already docked at an island, so why don't we go explore afterwards?" Nami smiled.

"NO!" Everyone's attention turned to Sanji, who had just raised his voice at a woman.

Nami raised an eyebrow, as Sanji sweated bullets, "Uh, I meant t-this island is pretty dangerous, and I- I wouldn't want you to be hurt, Nami-san!"

"It doesn't look dangerous to me though," the orange haired girl furrowed her eyebrows, while the rest of the crew caught on.

'Keep Nami away from the island.'

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