Chapter 14 - I'm back!

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12 hours of a car drive and we were on the edge of my terriroty. I didn't actually have to see anyone to have this ceremony done. So we were goingt o walk on, do the ceremony, then I was going to go home as a stronger person. 

I took in a deep breath and stepped over the imaginary line that marked out territory from the one next to it. In no time my father started to yell and bicker at me. I understand that I have been gone for a long time and he is just a really worried parent, but I really wanted to get on with the ceremony before Claire hurts Jayden again.

'Dad! I'm fine. I have people taking care of me. They are going to help me loose the connection to Jayden so that I can live normally." I telled before he could yell at me anymore. If you have ever had someone yell into your mind, you will know that its not a beautiful thing. It is one of the worst things you can imagine.

'Fine, but hurry up and get home. There are two boys trying to look for you here.' He answered and I took that as my que to let the others onto the land. The all took a step forward and in no time we were all on the land and I was surrounded in a circle.

Cora walked over to me and smiled, "You going to be knocked out for this."

"What?" this was not mentioned earlier.

I didn't even notice it but they all raised their arms in the circle they had formed and I fell to the ground without hesitation as my eyes rolled tothe back of my head and I saw nothing as my head hit the grassy ground and I was gone.


Nothing hurt as I regained consiousness. Nothing at all. Not even my head. I remember falling and hitting it, so why didn't it hurt?

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!!" I heard someone yell into my ear.

My eyes snapped open and I quickly covered my ears. Cora was smiling down at me. I narrowed my eyes at her, "what the hell was that for?"

She shrugged, "We are going to your house now. So I figured I would wake you up."

I groaned as I sat up, "I really didn't need that."

She giggled, "Yes, you did."

I rolled my eyes, she was right. She has only known me for a short while but its like we have been friends for as long as me and Ella have been friends. She knows me so well already.


I wonder how she is doing. Having to deal with this whole sudden mate thing with Luke. She hate werewolves and now she has a mate. That must be so hard on her.


I wonder how he is putting up with Ella. She can be a handful most of the time.

I forced my mind to not hink about Dylan and Carter. So I just looked out the window of the passing car as we entered the town. People were everywhere and they all looked at us as we passed by. Its not everyday a bunch of plack cars with tainted windows come driving through town.

Soon enough we were pulling up to the house Ilive in. People, or should I say werewolves, were everywhere. My dad was somewhere inside as the wolves were training outside. I knew already that Ella was inside as well. She was with Dylan and Luke. Carter, however was outside, and there was something different about him. I just couldnt' put my finger on it.

The car stopped and all of the wereolves stopped moving. I guess this is my que. I stood up and hopped out of the car. Everyone who was outside had their eyes turned to me. Oh yes, the center of attention yet again. I started to walk towards my house until I was stopped by the one and only Carter.

"Who are you and where do you think you are going?" He asked with his hands crossed over his chest. Why does he seem so different?

I looked him up and down. If he's my mate then he should recognize me no matter what I'm wearing right? I sniffed the air, he even smelt different. He didn't smell nice anymore. This can only mean one thing...

I burst out inot laughter and started to clutch my stomach because I was laughing so hard. No, he can't be. He is too sweet to be. But it totally makes sense.

Once my laughter was sobered up I smiled at Carter, "Are you gay?"

He froze, "Wh... What a... are you t... talking a... about?" He stuttered and took a step back from me.

My smile grew bigger, "Carter, I know everything. You can't lie to me." I laughed and took some steps around his frozen figure as I walked up to my house. As soon as the door was opened the four people inside all turned to look at me.

"OH. MY. GOD!" Ella squealed and ran towards me. She engulfed me in a tight hug for a few seconds before letting go of me, "You idiot!!! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE LIKE THAT!"

I covered her mouth with my hand, "SHHHH! No more talking. I'm sorry, can we please move on."

"Angel?" I heard a voice ask before I moved my hand away from Ella's face. I looked up to see Dylan staring at me, and he looked hotter than ever. I can't believe I'm saying this, but all I saw was him. It was one of those stupid cleche moments I hated up until now.

Why didn't this happen before? Well because I was being distracted by Jayden's mate. Is it weird that I know my brother is gay befoer I even meet him.

I let out a huge sigh, "It all makes sense now!"

They all gave me confused looks and Carter walked in through the back door with Sebastian and Chloe. I pointed my finger at Carter and he froze, "Carter is gay! I'm serious! It all makes sense because he is Jayden's mate!"

Ella couched, probably because she was trying not to laugh. Carter didn't move. Dylan and my dad smiled and Sebastian furrowed his eye brows in confussion, "How did you know that?"

I smiled, "Well we did this ceremony thing..."

"HELLO TO THE WEREWOLF FAMILY!!!" Cora yelled as she entered the front door. I held back my laugh as everyone started to growl at her. "What?" She asked looking at everyone. When her eyes landed on me she smiled, "Have you figured out your mate problem yet?"

Without any warning Dylan was standing in front of me to 'protect' me from Cora I suppose. I couldn't help it anymore, I started to laugh, "Yea, we got it all figured out."

"Ooo! Who'd you pick?"

"Well, Carter is gay... sooo..." I shrugged, "It was kind of easy."

"We should celebrate!" Cora yelled, "Alexander! We are going to party tonight with Angel and her fellow werewolf people." She smiled at me, "He doesn't feel very comfortable here."

I laughed, "I wonder why."

No one had really stopped growling at Cora, "Shut up you people, she's on our side!" Dylan didn't seem to hear me, so I pulled on the back of his shirt and sat him down on the couch, "Dude, take a chill pill and come outside when you are less tense."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm fine."

"No you're not." I smiled, "But I know a way I can get you to chill." I smiled up at my dad, "Can I?"

He nodded his head, "Go right ahead 'Lil."

There is probably about three parts left to this story ;'( it makes me sad. Buuuuttt until then.... tell me what you think!

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