Chapter 16 - Back To Normal

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Going back to school after missing ti for two weeks wasn't exactly my idea of a fun time. But apparently it had to be done. I was just happy that I didn't have to dress into weird girly torturous things anymore. I could finally be myself.

I haddn't seen Dyan or Carter or anyone other than Ella and my dad last night after we all had ice cream. After that we all just went to bed because it had been a long day. Cora sent her pack back home but decided that her and Alexander (or Alex) would stay with us for a while to make sure everything with me was alright. Carter also sent his pack back home. It was just him and his brother Owen who decided to rent a place for a month hoping Jayden would show up somehow.

Jayden had now moved to the top of my dad's and I's priority lists. My dad was leaving for a week to go and ask packs if they had seen him or my mother anywhere. Sebastian and a few other of his pack members left in the early hours of the morning to go back to England and see if they could find any clues as to where they had gone.

But I still felt extremely hopeless about the whole situation. I was instructed to stay here and go to school. It really sucked.

The only positive I could hake out of it was the fact that I could finally dress normally.

When I got up in the morning, my usual time might I add, I went straight to the bathroom and did my hair and make up. My hair was straightened to perfection and my make up was dark smoky eyes lined and my eye lashes curled and prepped till they looked amazing in my opinion. I added only a little of foundation and some lip chap. Everything just made my green eyes pop and I loved that I now looked like I used to look. It was great being myself again.

For my outfit, I chose a pair of black jeans and green tank top. My shoes were green supras and I slipped on a black leather jacket. This was nice, not having any more girly items of clothing because I had given it all to Ella.

Once I was satisfied with the way I looked, I headed down stairs. There was still most of Jayden's pack here and the first person who saw me was Chloe. "What happened to you!" She pretty much screached.

I winced, "What's with the loud voice?" She stood up and ran over to me. She was awfully close to my face for some weird reason. "What?"

"You look so different, but I know its you Angel because of your sent."

My face fell, "Oh well thanks for thinking I couldn't look like this."

I walked away from her and walked towards the kitchen, "That's not what I meant!" She protested, "I meant that you looked..."

She didn't get to finish because Cora cut her off, "HOT! You look H-O-T!"

I rolled my eyes and picked up an apple, "okay whatever, I'm just happy that there will be no more wearing of skirts and pink."

Cora laughed, "plus I think you look way better this way."

I smiled, "well at least on of my fireds thinks so!"

Chloe's face brightened, "you think of me as your friend?!"

I'm thinking I shouldn't have said that. Cora and I shared a look that we both knew that I really shouldn't have said that. "Well... I'm off to school!" I smiled at both of them then used my werewolf speed to run out to my car before she could say anything else and scare me into regretting making her into my friend.

I had a big smile on my face as I stared at my car. No more little girly mini van any more. Now its my black beauty of a car. My baby finally is getting let out of the garage in so long. And I finally get to drive her after so long of being forced not to.

As I drove to school I used my driving way of 'get the fuck out of my way or I'll fucking run you over.' It was awesome. My music was blaring and for once everything felt normal and that was perfect for me. I actually arived at the school later than everyone else and it really did feel like everything was back to normal.

The one person who caught my eye was Dylan. He wasn't looking at my car but rather looking lik he was waiting for something or someone to show up. Ella was sitting with Luke and when I parked my car, she got up and walked over. I didn't was to get out just yet because it felt so nice to be back inside. so she knocked on my window and smiled.

I finally opened the door and stepped out. "How ya feeling?" Ella asked. 

I looked back at the school and smiled at Luke who waved. Dylan still not noticing i was here, "I feel freaking amazing today."

Ella laughed and Dylan's head turned towards the sound of my voice. To say he was surprised would have been an understatment. "Are we going to walk over there or are you going to just stand here and stare all day?" 

I smiled abck to Ella, "you have no idea how happy I am today."

She rolled her eyes and started to try an dpush me towards the school but I didn't move. Werewolf strength. I was still smiling and took in a deep breath before I started walking towards the school. Ella was at my side after she realized that I had started walking.

I walked right up to the surprised Dylan and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking inside the school. I bet that surprised him even more.

Sorry it took so long to update. I hope you liked it! Tell me what you think!! :D

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