Chapter 8 - Thing One And Thing Two

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Going to school on Tuesday was a different story all by itself. Something had changed. I just couldn't put my finger on it. As soon as I got in the building, Dylan tried to give me a white rose. Key word being 'tried.'

"Sorry, I don't like white." I gave him a sad smile. I actually felt bad for him. I mean yea he is my mate and all. He is trying to get on my good side, but yet he knows nothing about me. I blame it on my dad. He's the one who told me to dress and act like this.

He looked depressed, I gave him a hug, "I appreciate you trying." Everyone around me was taken back a bit by my hug. I don't hug people. Not even Ella. The only person who I have ever hugged would be my father. But he's an exception.

I gave Dylan a reassuring smile. He smiled back, but I could tell it was forced. I sighed, "My name may be Angel. But I am anything but. My favorite color is black and I hate pink."

He looked confused, "But you..."

I stopped him, "This is temporary..." I gestured to my light pink knee high dress. It had a white belt just under my bust and the bottom portion was really loose.

He seemed even more confused, but let it slide. I wish I could see what was going on in his head. It would help a lot at the moment. He walked me to my locker then to class. I really wanted him to leave me alone for just a minute, but at the same time I wanted him near me. With that being said, I feel like I'm cheating on Carter when I'm with Dylan. I'm sure it will be the same when I'm with Carter.

At lunch Dylan sat beside me. He was pressed right up against my leg. I didn't dislike the feeling. I disliked how people were looking at me. Ella came in with a huge grin on her face and Luke was with her wearing the same expression. I was puzzled until they both came and sat across from Dylan and I. My eyes bulged out of their sockets, "How could you not tell me?" I asked them.

Ella blushed, "I... I..."

"Wait! You are blushing," I chuckled. "Ella Pynn is blushing!!!"

She glared at me, "You can shut your face now."

I smirked, "No, you can. And I'm pretty sure Luke would love to help you with it."

Luke gave me a questioning look and I laughed as Ella's face turned the deepest red possible.

"Wait, what am I missing?" Dylan asked from beside me.

"You don't see it?" I asked him astonished.

"See what?" He asked worriedly.

I laughed, "Their mates," I whispered in his ear.

He mouth formed an 'O' shape as he suddenly understood. I laughed; he looked really cute when he is confused. Wait did I just think that?

"No sweetheart, you said it out loud." Dylan beamed at me.

I hid my face in my hands as I blushed almost as deep as Ella had before. Ella laughed at me, "Its karma darling."

I glared at her.

Wait a second; the loud obnoxious Luke hasn't even said a word since he got here. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" He asked, crumbling under my gaze.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

He hesitantly smiled, "Why would you say there was anything on my mind?"

"You usually don't shut up. Now you’re not talking."

"How do you figure out people so quickly?" Dylan asked me.

"That's way off topic." I said to him, "Answer my question Luke."

"Yes, okay. So I was thinking. There's no crime in that." He shrugged.

"What were you thinking about?" I raised my eye brows.

He blushed slightly, "None of your concern."

I groaned, "Oh my god, you weren't." I gave I’m a face of disbelief.

"He wasn't what?" Ella asked.

I put my hands over my eyes, "I do not want that picture in my head. Please, get it out of my head."

"What are you talking about?" Dylan asked me.

"Don't worry; she never makes any sense to me either." Ella whispered to Dylan.

"Why Luke, whhyyyy???" I whined.

"It's not my fault; you were the one pushing for answers. I have no idea how you got them, but it’s still your fault." Luke said with a shrug.

"Can someone please tell me?" Dylan pleaded from beside me.

"I don't think you really want pictures of your brother and my best friend..." That’s all I needed to say before Dylan covered his ears.

"La, la, la. I'm not listening!" He said.

I laughed, "You are so childish."

Ella was blushing when I looked at her. We all laughed until the bell rang. Then we headed off to our next classes. I didn't have math with Dylan, so by the time gym rolled around I was ashamed to say that I missed Dylan's presence. Sure enough, he was standing right outside the door when I walked out. "You know, you can't use werewolf perks just to see me." I smiled at him.

"I can if it's for you," He gave me a cocky smile and I laughed. He grabbed my hand and walked with me to gym class. He actually is holding my hand! Holy shit! This is a first for me, I might start hyperventilating soon...

We sat down on the back of the bleachers and just started talking. It wasn't long before all of his friends joined us and the period hadn’t even started yet. When the bell finally rang, the gym teacher ran over to us.

"Miss Frost, your father is here. I expect all of you to participate." She pointed at all of the guys.

I jumped up with a huge grin on my face and ran into the girls change room. I quickly got dressed into some black shorts and a grey tank top before I walked back out. The boys were all still sitting there a bit dumb-founded. "Well if you want to pass gym class, you’re going to have to get changed." I laughed at their confused expressions then continued to walk through the gym and out the back doors. I swayed my hips a little and could feel Dylan's gaze following me.

I stood by the door and waited till the rest boys were ready. Then I walked out the door. They just hesitantly followed me. When we rounded the school and ended up in the back field. My dad was standing by the goal post looking into the forest. Grinning the mad woman I am, I ran quickly and quietly towards him. I couldn’t even hear my own footsteps. Neither could my dad because I jumped right on top of his back.

"When the hell were you planning on telling me you came back!?" I yelled at him.

He laughed, "Right about... now! I'm back."

I laughed and jumped off his back and he turned around. Then he embraced me in a real hug. Wow I really missed my dad's hugs.

"Who are these young men?" He asked me.

I sighed, "Dad, this is the Alpha. Thing one." I pointed to Dylan.

"What about the one's in the bush?" He asked.

"That’s the other Alpha. Thing two." I pointed to Carter.

"And I'm guessing one of them is..."

"Nope," I popped the 'p'. "Both of them."

He laughed, "That's not possible."

I sighed dramatically, "I wish it wasn't possible."

"Do I get to know their names?"

"Dylan and Carter." I pointed to the both of them.

My dad laughed, "Thing one and thing two it is. Well I'm not going easy on them. I do own a shot gun!" He yelled the last part.

I hid my face in my hands and groaned, "Can we just get on with training."

Sorry for any mistakes I was trying to get this finished as fast as I could and I didn't use word this time. I just wrote this off the top of my head. I hope its good enough for all of you. More of Carter in the next chapter I promise!!

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