Chapter 9 - Being Tossed Around

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After school was over and I got home, Carter somehow found his way into my house. I have no idea how he did it! Where is my dad anyways? Carter through me over his shoulder and carried me out of the house. "What do you think you are doing!?" I screached at him.

I could feel him laughing, "Dylan spends time with you at school. I spend time with you after school."

"Ug! When will this end?" I said more to myself than to anyone else.

Carter just had to answer, "Never!!!" He laughed.

He carried me though the forest and into a clearing. Then he gently set me on the ground. I looked at him with my eyes narrowed and he pointed to something behind me. I turned around and what I saw blew my mind away. There was a picnic set out in the clearing with food set out. "You did this for me?!" I asked with surprise. No one has ever done anything like this for me.

"Have you never been to a picnic?" He asked. I shook my head no. He grabbed my hand and lead me over to the blanket. We were silent for a bit while I enjoyed my surroundings.

"Oh god," I put my hand on my face and groaned.

"What, what's wrong?" Carter asked franically.

"Don't worry it's not you or anything you did" He opened his mouth to say something but I already knew what he was going to ask, "No its not Dylan either. Its me! I'm turing into the very thing that I dispise!"

He looked at me with an eye brow raised, "And what would that be?"

"A girly!" I said with my eyes wide. He pointed to my clothes and opened his mouth to say something again, but again I stopped him. "This is temporrary."

He was still confused like Dylan, but let it drop. The picnic was amazing! I never thought that Carter could be so sweet for a stalking werewolf. There was no interupptions and I found out a lot about Carter. Like the fact that he has a younger brother named Owen. These two mates of mine don't realize it, but they are alike in a lot of way. Probably more than I know.

The next day it started all over agian. Dylan gave me a black rose when I got to school, which I happily acepted. He was starting to get things right. I give him extra points for trying. At lunch the four of us (being Ella, Luke, Dylan and I.) ate together again and I think Ella is really warming up to the thought of werewolves. I have been offically deemed girly, curticy of Ella. When training comes along I'm always pretending to hurt myself so Dylan can help me. Also my dad's idea. Then afterschool, Carter takes me out places. We've been to the movies, a fancy resturant and paintballing. When we went paintballing; Dylan, Luke and Owen came with us. Ella was too afraid.

Before I knew it, it was Friday. Father-Daughter day for me. Carter was a little dissapointed when my dad told him, but he understands. I was just thankful I could have some time away from Dylan and Carter. They both just won't leave me alone. I feel like I'm being tossed back and forth and I really don't like that feeling.

So sorry for the short chapter, I'm running out of ideas for the moment but once we get back to where I have writen, it will be way better!!!

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