Chapter 19 - Claire

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I cried over Dylan's body only for a second. He can't die without his killer dying as well. I will make sure of that. I stood up off of the ground and looked towards where the gun shot came from. I recognized her imediately. Claire. That bitch was holding a gun pointed towards the unconcious body of my twin brother. I growled lowly at her and she smirked, "looks like I found your two weak spots."

I opened my mouth to reply to her but the scream of Carter came from beside me. "NO! You monster!"

I glanced to see that Luke and Owen were holding him back. I looked back to Claire who had a massive grin on her face. "How dare you," I said lowly while taking a few steps towards her.

She held up her index finger, "ah, ah, ah. No more steps this way or I blow off your brothers head."

I narrowed my eyes, "really, you would kill your own son?"

She shrugged then looked at her nails, "he was useless. You're the one I want now." She looked up and me and grined again, "you're special my lovely daughter. You have a gift that that I can teach you to use."

I growled lowly, "I know how to use it, and don't you ever, EVER, call me your daughter again. You mean nothing to me Claire."

I saw her smile faulter slightly and that made me smile. I can get to her easily. After she regained her composure she rolled her eyes and placed her free hand onto her hip, "I bet that you don't know how to control your wolf."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and when I opened them I felt the subtle glow or white soming from them that happens when my wold is coming to the surface so she can fight. Claire looked surprised to say the least. It was like she never even knew that I could do this.

She had very little faith in me.

I felt a presence come up beside me and I glanced to see Cora there. Her eyes glowing a vibrant gold color. Claire looked stunned to see Cora standing beside me. "I see that you spend your time with nasty cats..." Claire commented with a grimace.

A growl erupted from the two of us and Claire actually took a slight step back.

I could feel my eyes glowing even more now, "Claire, you have three seconds to run before I rip you to peices."

She blinked and started to chuckle. "One..." I started and she gulped. "Two..." She dropped the gun and started to turn away from us. "Three!" Cora and I both shifted and ran after her.

This was a long time coming for Claire.

 I KNOW ITS SHORT. And I'm sorry, but its supposed to be sort. So calm yo tits people and Don't ask me to update BECAUSE I JUST UPDATED! 

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