Chapter 7 - Oh Snap

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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...

That’s all I could hear as I regained consciousness. I didn’t know where I was or why I was unconscious in the first place. All I knew was that someone needs to turn that damn clock off before I throw it out a window.

After putting up with the ticking for five whole minutes. Exactly five minutes. Believe me, I counted. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Can someone please turn that damn clock off!!!” I croaked as loud as I could.

I heard a door being whipped open and people running over to me.

“Angel?” Someone asked.

“Turn off the dang ticking noise,” I yelled and turned away from the people and onto my side.

“What clock?” Someone else asked.

“Shh,” I threw my finger up at them. “If you’re really quiet, you can hear it.”

The whole room went deadly quiet. Well except for that stupid ticking noise.

“I don’t hear anything Angel,” One of them whispered.

I snapped my eyes open. I’m going to find this annoying sound if it kills me. I quickly got off the bed I was on and walked out of the room. I didn’t recognize any scents in the house, but I didn’t care. As I tip-toed through the hallways, the people from the room followed me. It started getting louder, and louder the closer I got to it. I followed the sound all the way down and into the kitchen.

I froze in a weird stance and listened. The people in the kitchen just raised their eye brows at me. One of them opened their mouth to say something but I ‘shhhh’ed them.

I spun around and faced the oven. There was a little egg that was the source of the ticking. I grabbed it and ran the front door. When I got out, I walked over to the sidewalk and smashed it onto the ground.

“Well that's a relief,” I sighed and dusted off my hands.

I started to walk back towards the house with an accomplished smile printed on my face. I looked up at the house. This isn’t my house. In the door way was no other than Luke, Dylan, Carter, Spencer and two other dudes who I don’t know. My brows came together in confusion.

“What the hell am I doing here?”

“You don’t remember?” Dylan asked.

I slowly shook my head.

“At all?” Carter asked.

“No.” I said slowly, “Why? What happened?”

“Well first of all, you’ve been unconscious for three days.” Luke scratched the back of his neck.

“Why?” I asked.

They all just looked at each other.

“Well if no one is going to tell me, I’m going home.” I spun around and started walking away.

None of them stopped me; they just started to follow me.

I was about halfway home when I felt the cut. The cut that made me remember. This cut reached from my right hip all the way to my left hip, crossing right over my stomach.

I fell to my knees and clutched my stomach. This was the worst pain ever. I could feel blood flowing out, but when I looked nothing was there.

“Angel,” All the guys screamed and ran up to me.

“What’s happening?” Both Dylan and Carter asked at the same time. They both had a worried look on their faces.

“Jayden!!!” I screamed.

I heard a faint voice in the back of my mind scream my name. Tears started to flow down my face as I curled up into a ball on the ground.

“Shift!” Luke screamed at me.

I shook my head, too much pain.

“It would help him heal,” He yelled with a frustrated huff.

Would it really? If I can feel his pain, can I heal it too? I really hopped so, what if I shifted and it just made things worse? We are supposed to heal faster in our wolf form. Another Advantage.

Well here goes nothing, I said to myself before shifting.

The guys all gasped at me. I just laid there with my eyes closed. I bet they’ve never seen a pure black wolf before. My dad told me that we are extremely rare, but not as rare as pure white wolves.

“Angel?” Dylan asked hesitantly, “Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes and stared into his. His nice brown eyes that have little gold flecks in them.

That's when I forgot the rest of the world. It was just me and him.

‘Mate.’ My wolf purred.

‘Um, correction MATESSSS...’ I said to her, ‘There are two of them.’

She was silent.

‘Which one?’ I asked her.

‘I’m not sure.’

I glanced towards Carter. Then kept looking between both of them. I huffed out a sigh and closed my eyes.

“Is the pain gone?” Carter asked.

I just nodded my head. I couldn’t look at them, I wanted them to leave. I couldn’t risk shifting back and I can’t talk to them through a mind link.

They didn’t leave. Just sat down around me. We all just stayed there in silence. I didn’t know what to do. I knew that Jayden’s cut had already healed over. I bet Claire was too astonished to hurt him again.

Eventually I stood up on all fours and continued my walk home. The boys followed me. I didn’t know what I was going to do once I got home, but I had to do something.

So... heres the part where I went a little off track, this chapter was longer but sice its supposed to be different I had to cut it out and move it else where. I hope you all had a nice summer. It went by really fast for me. I start school on the Tuesday after laubor day. I'm taking a grade 12 course even though I'm only in grade 11. So my uploads might be not as frequent as they were this summer and last school year. I'm sorry about that.

On the side is a picture of her brother Jayden :)

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