Chapter 15 - My wolf (and a surprise)

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I smiled as sweet as I could manage at Luke stood across the yard from me. He had an evil glint in his eyes and I knew he thought that he was going to win this thing. My sweet smile turned into a smirk as his eyes starting clowing green. It shows that his wolf was starting to take over. My wolf was waiting paitently in my mind for her turn to unleash on someone.

She will get her turn soon enough.

I had purposley told Luke to not hold back. I was going to fight him full force. Dylan was off to the side with my dad looking worried. He was worried for me and I actually kind of liked it.

Luke's wolf let out a low growl and started to circle me. Well then. He slowly got closer and closer in towards me as he circled around my standing figure. When he had finished walking he was standing right behind me.

For a second the whole yard was quiet. Nothing made a sound for miles around. Then he swung his fist thinking it would make contact with my face. However, I managed to duck into a crouch and push my leg out then swinging my body around to knock his over onto the ground even before his punch was meant to be completed.

His body hit the ground with a thud and I stood up while brushing my hair out of my face. My wolf was ready to take over but I wasn't ready just yet. I did a cartwheel on Luke and grabbed his arms in the process. When I came back up I threw his body in the opposite direction and watched as he flew off and rammed into the tree's.

Now it was time for my wolf to take over. As Luke was standing up I let out a loud, low, growl and my eyes started to glow white. I have no idea why they glow differently then everyone elses, but they just do. Luke's eyes snapped towards me and his glowing green eyes widened as they looked at my now pure white ones.

I saw a hint of fear cross Luke's face before it was blank. His wolf was now in complete control of his body and he had no say in when he was going to get it back. I glanced at my dad and blinked as he nodded saying that I could. I looked at Dylan who was curious for a split second before turning back to Luke. His wolf was growling at me because I wasn't paying attention to the fight.

I took in a deep breath and pushed my wolf up further up the surface of my mind. If Luke was going to play dirty, so was I. I watched as my vision got further and further away till I had blanked out.

Dylan POV (Surprise! This is just a one time thing)

I watched as Luke fell to the ground without hardly a scratch on him. Angel was standing not even four feet away with her pure white eyes that were honestly freaking me out at the moment. Luke stood up with his eyes back to normal and put his hands up in surrender. It haddn't even taken Angel five minutes to take him down.

She was amazing.

Just one more thing I liked about her.

She just stood there as Luke limped off to the side. Her eyes still showing that her wolf was in control. "Who's next?" Her father shouted, "her wolf isn't finished yet!"

Sebastian stepped forward, "I'll go now."

Well good luck to him...

Angel POV

I felt myself coming back into my mind and body after a while. I blinked a few times as I let my eyes ajust back to normal. In front of me was Carter's brother Ross on the ground. To my left where my dad and Dylan were standing was a bunch of injured men. Men who all probably had their dignities lost because my wolf is tough.

I smiled at them all, "who wants some ice cream?"

I heard a variety of groans come from all the people and all the girls were giggling. Ella walked up to me and gave me a high five. "That was pretty awesome by the way, did you learn some new moves from your cat friends?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't see what I was doing. The entire thing is blank." I smiled at her horrified face, "c'mon now, I really want some ice cream."

 How is everyone! Hope you enjoy the little surprise in there. Sorry its short. Next chaper on the 12, I hope!! :) Love you all.

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