Chapter 17 - I Like Him?!

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I entered the lunch room like I always do, but quickly noticed that Dylan wasn't there already. I was wondering what was up with him today. I hope Luke could tell me since they share a pack link and all. I made my way to our table and Ella and Luke were sitting there whispering to each other like they have been all day. Ella keeps giggling and from the look on Luke's face, I can tell that he just adores her giggles.

I sat across from them, "hey guys." They both looked up and smiled at me.

"How's your day going Angel?" Ella asked with sudden interest in me and not in the guy sitting beside her. I don't get how she can do that so quickly.

I shrugged, "it feels almost normal. But Dylan is acting all weird."

Luke raised his eye brow, "weird?"

I nodded, "he's always at my side, but its like he's not even there because he isn't talking to me." I fiddled with my fingers on my lap, "its like his mind is off somewhere else."

Ella smiled, "I never thought I would see you like this?"

"See me like what?"

"You look so voulnerable," her smile grew even wider. "You like him, don't you?"

My face fell into a blank expression, "you are no help."

She started to laugh, "you do like him!"

I rolled my eyes as she laughed and Luke smiled. "Well I wish I could tell you something about him," Luke said to me still with his creepy grin on his face, "but he has blocked his mind all day. Pretty much since you got here this morning. He won't talk to anyone."

I raised my eye brow, was he ok? I wonder what happened to him. Did I scare him with the way I looked this morning? Maybe he's facing some internal battle about weather or not he should reject me because of the way I look now. OH! He can't like the girly side of me better! I hated her!

"Whoa! Come down Angel!" Ella snapped me out of my thinkign spree, "you look like your about to explode with emotions."

"Yea, are you alright?" Luke added.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. A breath that included the sent of Dylan. Which means that he's around in this room. Sure enough, I opened my eyes and looked towards the door, he was standing right there staring at me. His face showed no emotion but his eyes showed worry.

Oh so now he's goign to worry about me after ignoring me all day! How sweet of him...

I stood up from my seat and stomped out the back door of the cafeteria. No one followed me, and for that I was thankful. I thought all of my mate problems were over, but I guess not. I guess Dylan really doesn't want me as his mate.

That really hurts. I never thought that a boy could make my heart feel so heavy in my chest. I sat down on the edge of the school feild where the tree's stop and closed my eyes. I need to shut of my emotions. This just hurt a little too much.

But I mean, he hasn't exactly told me this stuff yet, so it can't be for sure.

But he hasn't said one word to me all day. Maybe he's afraid that I'll tear him to pieces if he tells me how he really feels.

I was so caught up in my thoughs that I didn't hear him aproaching. He sat across from me a few feet, "Angel?" My eyes snapped open and I took in a deep breath. "Are you ok?"

What a stupid question. I stood up and glarred down at him, "no I am not ok! do I look ok to you?"

He was a bit startled at first but then his face went back to no emotion. What the hell is he thinking! Its killing me!

Then he broke out into a smile, "you like me?"

My face fell to a blank expression, I bet it was Luke. I sighed and took a few steps away from him. I had my back turned away, I guess I might as well tell him, "of course I like you! i mean you are my mate. And I thought having two mates was bad! But just having one of you is horrible." I turned back to look at him. He was now standing, "I mean, you obviously don't feel the same way because you have been ignoring me all morning!"

He cut me off by grabbing my hand, "Angel."

I stared at our hands before letting go, "I mean I get if you liked the girly me better, but this is the real me! You have to like her too!"

"Angel!" He cut me off again. I looked at his face with and angry expression and he was smiling, "I never said that."

"You didn't have to say it, you didn't say anything." I mummbled under my breath.

He snached my hand again and pulled me closer to him. I was too surprised to say anything as he wrapped his over hand around my waist. I looked back and forth at his two eyes. Such a lovely color or hazel they were. He smiled at me and I finslly got the nerve to speak, "Dylan... I..."

I didn't get to finish saying anything because he pressed his lips to mine. I felt fireworks exploding... no they were more like bombs. It was like World War Three had jsut started when he kissed me. I can't lie, I actually liked the feeling of his lips on mine.

He eventually got me to loosen up and our mouthes moved together in sinc. After a while though I realized that I had forgotten how to breath. I pulled away and since he still had a hold around my waist, I just rested my forehead onto his chest.

"Why'd you pull away so quickly?" He asked breathlessly.

I smiled to myself, "because I forgot how to breathe," I mumbled into his chest.

I was hoping he didn't hear what I had said, but he did. Curse werewolf hearing! A human wouldn't have been able to hear that. I think I've been around humans too long. "You forgot how to breathe?" He questioned.

I sighed and nodded my head slightly. I wasn't going to admit it, but when he let go of my hand and wrapped his other arm around my back, I felt really safe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled back slightly to look at his smiling face. I couldn't help but smile back. This was actually very nice.

"So you deserve and explination as to why I was off in my own little world this morning," He said before biting his lip.

I raised my eye brow at him and refused to look at his lips because when he bit his lip it almost made me swoon. I said almost! What is happening to me?

"I was thinking..." He paused and it made me very impatient but I didn't want to show it.

"About?" I questioned to get him to finish. I'm a very impatient person.

"About where I should take you on our first official date." He finished then smiled down at me.

I giggled, yes I giggled, "you don't have to."

"Yes I do!" He protested, "Carter always got to take you out on dates because after school was his time, but I never got to because I only got you during school hours."

I smiled, "really? That's your reason?"

He pulled me just a little bit closer, "no, I also want to take you out on a date because I like you. I actually like you a lot more than I would liek to admit."

My smile grew wider, "so what was your conclusion then?"

He let go of my waist and grabbed my hand to start pulling me towards the school as the lunch bell went off showing that lunch was over, "you'll just have to wait and see."

I frowned, "I hate surprises."

"Even better!" He shouted with a giant smile on his face.

 HELLO! Hope you liked thius chaper!! :D Tell me what you thought about it! Oh and thank @glenishanisha for telling me to update this XP

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