Chapter 18 - The Date... (dun dun duuuuu)

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After lunch, everything was weird and different, but it was a good kind of weird and different. I really liked this kind of weird and different. Dylan was so nice, he accepted the way I was an practically didn’t let me out of his sight. It was kind of nice though. I liked how he was always around me. Though, I would never admit that to him, or even Ella.

When gym class came, I was excited that I was going to be able to sit around with Dylan and do nothing because my dad wasn't here. He was still out telling packs to watch out for my evil mother.

I thought about it, her and I are a lot alike. We both can do pretty evil things and we are strong and independent. But we're different in the fact that she will always be doing things for a bad reason and mine are strictly for good reasons. But I can see how we are related.

Which is what I really hate right now.

When I walked into the gym class, I took my usual spot on the bleachers and waited until Dylan came running into the room. He smiled when he saw me sitting where I usually sat and came to sit beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we both smiled. "I was looking everywhere for you to walk you here," he whispered in my ear.

I giggled, yes I can giggled, "well you don't have to watch me all the time. I can take care of myself."

"I know, but I feel safer with you close to me. I have to know where you are of else I'll go crazy." To that I laughed, "Its true!" He tried to protest.

I just rolled my eyes as we fell into a regular conversation with Luke and the other wolves that had shown up in gym class. Once school was over, I was so nervous that I was shaking Ella noticed my sudden nervousness but didn't do anything about it. I think she wanted me to suffer this way.

When we got back to my house, Dylan wasn't there at all. I think he said something about picking me up later, but I couldn't be too sure. I honestly couldn't remember anything I had done today. So I just sat down onto the couch in my living room and started to stare at the wall.

I wish I could have been thinking about something, but I wasn't. I just stared blankly at the wall. "Are you okay?" I jumped at the sudden voice of Cora in the room.

She chuckled and plopped down beside me, "tell mam cat what's wrong?"

I scrunched my eye brows at her, "what?"

She sighed, "I don't have to break out into song do I?"

I looked at her confused, break out into song? Why would she do that?

She sighed again and stood up. I watched carefully as she pushed the coffee table out of the way and took a stance in the middle of the room, was she really going to sing....?

"Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong? 

I have never seen such sorrow 

In your eyes 

And the wedding is tomorrow "

She froze and thought about what she had just said I laughed, "I have a date with Dylan tonight."

She smiled, and fixed the lyrics, "and the date is tonight!"

I laughed at her accomplished face and she kept singing. "How I hate to see you like this 

There is no way you can deny it 

I can see 

That you're oh, so sad, so quiet 

Chiquitita, tell me the truth 

I'm a shoulder you can cry on 

Your best friend 

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