Chapter 5 - We're Under Attack!?

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Staying up late into the night, every night this week, just to practice giggles and excited squeals, was not a good idea. I frankly have just given up on everything because I'm so tired. The teachers don’t care that I'm slacking off. Partially because it’s the first Friday of the new school year but mostly because they think I might snap at any moment. Which I'm so tired, I don’t think I’d be able to do it.

I was sitting in the cafeteria and Ella was talking and talking and talking and talking. I didn’t notice a thing she said though because I was falling asleep. I also didn’t notice when other people came and sat at our table.

“Hey Angel!” a cheery voice said to my right.

“Mhswakkfsd...” I mumbled.

“Is she okay?” A voice said to my left.

“Yea she’s just tired. She gets like this when she doesn’t get enough sleep.” Ella shrugged.

“Is that why she’s not snapping at us?” The voice to my right said.

This made me look to my right. Who would I snap at? Sitting there was Luke. Then I turned to my left. There was Dylan. Of course it was them, who else would it have been?

I slammed my forehead on the table. Then I proceeded to lift it back up, and then let it fall again. I did it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and... Why isn’t my head falling anymore? I felt someone’s hand on my fore head. It was Luke’s.

“Mhswakkfsd!!!” I screamed.

Before they could say anything else, I got up and walked out the back door in the cafeteria and onto the school field. No one followed me as I made my way into the forest. I needed to run. Running in wolf form always helps me wake up... sometimes.

I got not even five feet into the bush before I shifted. My wolf has pitched black hair and bright green eyes.

I ran, and ran, and ran. I knew that eventually I would have to go back to school. I did feel more alert, but still half asleep.

When I got close enough to the school, I shifted back into my strapless ‘salmon’ colored dress. I would have just said a pinky-peach. But Ella was all like ‘No! It’s Salmon!’ so, I'm wearing a salmon colored dress. Too bad when I shift, my clothes don’t rip off. I wish they ripped into a million pieces. Oh, how I wish.

I got into math class with fifteen minutes left. The teacher didn’t question me when I walked in this late, he just handed me a worksheet and continued with the lesson. Much to my discomfort, I was half asleep when the bell rang for gym class.

I stumbled into the gym and went straight for the bleachers.

When I got there I just collapsed. Right onto the dirty bleachers. I didn’t care though. I was too tired to care.

“Miss Frost!” My teacher yelled.

“Yea?” I turned my head in her direction.

“Is your father back yet?”

“Nope!” I sighed and turned back towards the ceiling. I stared at the lights till some head was in the way, “Move that big head!” I yelled.

“Hey she can talk!” The head said excitedly.

More heads came into my vision.

“What the hell do you want?” I yelled at the heads.

None of the heads answered. I could feel my eye lids getting heavier, and heavier, and...

“Don’t fall asleep!” One of the heads yelled.

“Mhswakkfsd...” I mumbled. My eyes were now closed.

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